Is there such a thing? LOL!
I do not believe there is such a thing.
Yes and no, AI is a special branch of computing science, so one can be simply a Ph.D in computer science, or can be styled as Ph.D in AI. IMO it is just bragging.
AI programming has some specific programming language IIRC reading about it somewhere. In other words, AI does not seemed to be programmed in C, or C++, or Javascript, or Fortran, and stuff like that.
AI seems to have its own programming language.
No, AI can be programmed in any existing language or any newly invented language. I have practiced Python based AI programming. Many languages have developed their AI libraries.
AI is a glorified programming. At the very base it is not different from logic circuit controlling your wash machine which does "if A > B then do C". The difference is that in AI library it does "If A is 80% of B then do C, Store the decision and 80% as threshold. Examine if C leads to failure then reduce threshold to 75%." The program just keeps trying and looping through new input values of A, in the mean time adjusting the threshold variable stored in memory. This is called machine learning, or building knowledge and experience. So the logic is still "if then else" as the conventional program. The only "new" thing is the automatic adjusting of variables according to past input. It looks like it is learning, but it is not different from existing self adjusting algorithms such as auto exposure computing in the decades old Canon/Nikon cameras. AI just makes that learning loop much longer over hundreds or thousands circles instead of just a few. AI also vastly increased the number of variables to learn. While so-called conventional programming has very few variables to learn and few circles to learn.
Seriously AI is just marketing trick or bragging right for AI code-farmer.