First of all, it's odd that you wish to compare what one Chinese company is spending to what the entire US government is promising to fund (which is all wrapped up in beaurocracy, conditions, feet-dragging paperwork). But even so, don't you worry; $1.5B in Chinese spending is more that $50B in corrupt headless chicken spending in the US. As Leonidas once said looking over at his 300 Spartans to the thousands of men brought by the other Greek states, "I brought more soldiers than you."Well it's not $50 billion, but it's something.
Key differences:Tencent launches US$1.5 billion fund to give Chinese scientists freedom to reach new heights of innovation
“Original innovation is the most difficult task in basic research. Free exploration is unpredictable, difficult to plan, extremely risky and time consuming. That’s why these research activities are less funded,” , executive vice-president of the University of Science and Technology of China and a lead scientist in China’s national quantum research programme, said in a statement.
The new programme will fund research in two major areas: mathematics and physical sciences; and biological and biomedical sciences. Under each area there are tens of secondary subjects, such as theoretical computing science and molecular biology.
“The scientists we fund are those who ‘sit on the bench’ doing fundamental research, and their research must step into ‘no man’s land’,” said a director of the secretariat of the programme in an interview published in China Science Daily on Wednesday.
Well it's not $50 billion, but it's something.
It's called WHATABOUTISM or in their case, WHAT ABOUT CHINA? but these losers would be the first to complain when challenge or point out their fallacies.Given how the US/West loves to draw simple conclusions to make grand declarations like how if something is bad for them that's happening, it must be worse in China with absolutely no evidence. For example if the West suffered from the 2008 Western Financial Crisis, it only means China is not too far behind. Or if they suffered through a Lehman's Brothers, China must be too. If they're suffering chip shortage for their car production, it must really bad in China despite how China is selling 20 times more EVs than are sold in the US. Or how about lately the West is suffering from one of the biggest heat waves in history so I see CNN report how China is suffering through a heat wave not even mentioning how the West is burning. I'm seeing all these reports of massive developments in China on automation technologies so my bet is someone in the US media will report how that will cause great unrest in China because China has over a billion people that won't have jobs just like how they predicted if China doesn't maintain above 6% growth, that will cause civil unrest. Well China hit below 6%, so where's all the rioting?
Robust and adaptable quantum key distribution network without trusted nodes
Quantum key distribution (QKD) networks are promising to serve large numbers of users with information-theoretic secure communication. In QKD networks, the detection-safe protocol, termed measurement-device-independent (MDI) QKD, can naturally enhance realistic security by supporting untrusted measurement nodes. However, the environmental disturbances to quantum states degrade the performance of multi-user communication. Here we propose an MDI-QKD networking scheme with robustness against environmental disturbance and adaptability to multi-user access, where more than two users can generate keys simultaneously regardless of aligning reference frames and compensating channel disturbance on polarization. To achieve this, we introduce the reference-frame-independent protocol as well as a polarization-compensation-free method, design a multi-user measurement unit, and combine it with original two-user units. The scheme is experimentally demonstrated for the improvement of network robustness and adaptability in multi-user scenarios, and the time and device costs of disturbance compensation can be saved from () to (1) for an N-user network.
Chinese scientists have found the genes that control the cotton fibre length. Looks like Xinjiang cotton are going to have even better quality.
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News report in Chinese:
soon somebody would say "China is genociding Cotton"ban them
报道: 近日,《生物技术通报》发表了中国农业科学院生物技术研究所研究员郎志宏团队培育的抗虫耐除草剂转基因玉米2HVB5,该品系遗传稳定、高抗虫、耐除草剂,可用于玉米害虫尤其是夜蛾科害虫的防治,具有很好的产业化应用前景。