What if said worker got disgruntled and wanted to kill his boss? Would the robot hand him/her a hammer?
There would be location restrictions in the factory such as "outside x y z coordinates, robot is disabled".What if said worker got disgruntled and wanted to kill his boss? Would the robot hand him/her a hammer?
Calm down there Agent 47. I'm sure there are parameters in place to prevent stuff like this.What if said worker got disgruntled and wanted to kill his boss? Would the robot hand him/her a hammer?
I think the disgruntled worker will first lure the boss to the working station by reporting an anomaly, then he would keep thinking "kill him, kill him", the robot will then kill the boss as an malfunction.What if said worker got disgruntled and wanted to kill his boss? Would the robot hand him/her a hammer?
This is the program lead.
You could just think about shooting an opponent, shouting “FIRE” in your mind, and the the trigger is pulled automatically, and you could select the ammo type by thinking it too.This is the program lead.
These are the related funding for his work. Two funding from central government. One from Hubei province. One from Yichang metropolis.
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[2]. “复杂机电产品概念感官体验信息结构自适应调控与优化方法研究”,湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(资助号:2019CFB542),起止时间:2019.9-2021.9,主持,在研
[4]. “人机共融环境下面向复杂装配作业的协作意图智能识别方法研究”,机器人与智能系统宜昌市重点实验室开放基金项目,起止时间:2019.6-2021.6,主持,在研