Don't listen, it's a trap. Probably written to scare some senators into action.
China has lots of ways to go to be truly leading. Rarely do in history does another nation need to engage in such all around advancement in every field of technology relevant to a modern society in short time. ( USSR comes to mind but PRC need to manage global trade competitiveness too).
Scare them into doing what exactly? Almost all of the U.S. Politicians regardless of party are all anti-China and the fact that the senate and congress committees have their own intelligence (lobbyists) feeding them much worst assessment to scare the sheep out of them so having these public studies written by civil-servant/academic and tech guy isn't necessarily going to sway them into the direction they are most likely heading to anyway.
What I do find interesting is that if and whenever studies that comes out that are more or less critical of China’s X, Y, Z... some of the people here seems to be in agreement and doesn't seem to question the validity and veracity of a said study, what gives? What gives you the impression that a certain study either in support or in opposition to are more credible over the other and vice-versa.