You say that any admission of weakness is insincere in order to gain funding. An insincere statement is false. Therefore, the weakness does not exist.
But if all statements of weaknesses are false, then there are no weaknesses. There is only all aspect strength. That is essentially omnipotence. But belief in omnipotence is unlikely to be logical, as omnipotence is unlikely to exist. Therefore, it is a faith based belief.
This is why I used the words I did. Correct me if my logic is wrong. Thanks.
It's just a continuum where in this case they are simply trying to complain about how poorly organised and focused they are in competing with China. This is and isn't the case. It's clearly below what they hope to achieve. Speculation on my part anyway. It's just not some black and white thing.
We know US cyber abilities are strong if not also world leading. The guy quit because maybe he does genuinely feel that way and some of it might just be drama for drama's sake and funding etc. It isn't a case of China already is ahead and will dominate or a case of US is omnipotent and doing this as some distraction because they are hiding strength.