News on China's scientific and technological development.


Registered Member
This is a US ban, European, Japanese etc. Can still be bought. The Delta of US only equipment will need to be made locally, or contacts created to have foreign companies to create new equipment.
There is also the way of sourcing US instruments from a third-party. Totally legal..


Registered Member
why would he do that? ... just wondering
In these situations it is more about money, promotion, and freedom with financial support to conduct experiments.

These top minds are probably already making a lot of money so it is most likely that he joined because he will be given greater discretion on what experiments he can do and also get greater financial support from the university.

Good on China that it is poaching top talents from outside


Registered Member
Unless is mandated by the state, or the price is heavily discounted, nobody in their right mind will choose to buy anything outside of the well-known foreign manufacturers of scientific instruments.

I ask you, if you have assembled a team and you are ready to start making experiments on a specific field (physics, material science, biotech etc) which could last for up to 3 years, would you gamble you entire research being invalidate due to using an unknown supplier for scientific instruments?

And if that unknown supplier's scientific instruments have "only" 99.5% accuracy while the foreign suppliers have 99.99%, would you use the domestic or the foreign supplier?

Impossible. Either mandated by the state, or heavily discounted, or total export ban from Western countries
Depends on what kind of research you use the instruments for. In general research can be separated into "broad" or "deep". Not official terms, just what I noticed. "Deep" research is pushing the boundaries of a single field i.e. particle physics. You only need to know physics but you have to be a 100% expert at it. "Broad" research is applying one discipline to another, ie interdisciplinary research. For example, biomedical engineering or physical chemistry. You don't need to be a godlike Einstein physicist or a Marie Curie chemist to do physical chemistry research but you do need to know a little bit of both and have flexibility.

For "broad" research, you need QC, large datasets or custom instrumentation. Just buy cheap and good enough instruments or parts.

For absolutely leading edge highest quality deep research? Not even Japanese instruments are considered good enough, only custom built German ones, so don't even worry about it.