New Richard Fisher article


VIP Professional
I think it should read 9B-1348 not 4B. I wonder where he got the 40km lock on range for the 9B-1348E and AMRAAM-C seeker. That is pretty good. Vympel listed in 1997 the 9B-1348 seeker at 16km for 3m2 RCS.


Junior Member
Well can we send him a formal invitation to join the forum ?

Perhaps we could bribe him with moderator status :)

Anyway congrats to all of the sinodefence team (including the
forum members ) if Mr Fisher is one of the regular readers

His articles are much less anti-chinese than some


Banned Idiot
This guy is good. He even mentioned the type 730 being based off of SEAMOS, not golkeeper. The report of the l-15 flight, and the pics of the jf-17 show this article is vety up to date. This is the first time emphasis has been given to almost all PLA wepons, not just the new, flashy, and mysterious ones.


Junior Member
Very detailed and precise information. It's impressive, but somewhat strange that he takes so much of his sources from the internet. The trainer aircraft pictures are definately from SDF. Very intresting information. It makes me feel redundant for the extra credit project I am doing for my school. :p


vincelee said:
both him and Kanwa are regular readers of CDF I believe.
True, actually quick a few of these people just copy informations from CDF, that why CDF have strict rule to prevent people for stealing their informations.