On page 3 of the article, it claims:
" 这是西方研究机构制作的一份导弹射程比较图,数据单位是海里。1海里约等于1.852千米。图上美国AIM-120、俄罗斯R-77和中国霹雳 -12这三种世界上典型的现役主动雷达制导中程空空导弹的射程分别约为50、80、110公里。这先前的推测性数据也得到了今天的中国军方新闻报导的证实。可见,中国航空工业高层在珠海航展上接受采访时称“歼-10性能远超外界一切想象”并非是吹牛"
Rough translation, the chart used on the page use nm and not km (1 nm = 1.852 km). AIM-120 and estimated 50 km range, R-77 has 80 km range, and PL-12 has 110 km range.
The article is citing early AIM-120 & R-77 range. From other sources, the range for AIM-120 is:
AIM-120A: 50 km
AIM-120B: 80 km
AIM-120C-5: 105 km
AIM-120D: 165 km
And R-77 range is:
R-77RVV-AE: 90 km (100 km vs. head-on target)
R-77M1: 175 km
So if the PL-12 has ~110 km max range, it's comparable to the AIM-120C5, R-77RVV-AE, and MBDA Meteor (in max range). But still inferior to the latest variants of R-27, R-77, and AIM-120.
On side note, how come we never see A/B/C or Mk.1/2 versions of the MICA AAM?