据《财经》报道,丰田在华合资公司未来两到三年有导入插电式混动的计划,并且技术路线大概率不再延用丰田原有的 Hybrid 模式(油电混合动力系统),而是有可能采用 DMI 技术(超级混动技术)。
报道称,从未来产品规划来看,涉及车型大约有两三款。不过,这些产品是否都能如约落地,目前,还没有更进一步的消息。企业相关人士表示:“但可以肯定的是,即便采用比亚迪 DMI 技术,丰田也一定会进行新的打磨和调教,最终车型的驾乘体验还是会有所不同”。
According to Caijing, Toyota's joint venture in China has plans to introduce plug-in hybrid vehicles in the next two to three years, and the technical route is not likely to use Toyota's original hybrid mode (gas-electric hybrid power system), but is likely to use DMI technology (super hybrid technology). According to the report, there are about two or three foreign products involved. However, whether these products are landed as scheduled, at present, there is no further news. Enterprise officials said: "But certainly can, even the use of BYD DMI technology, Toyota will also carry out new modification and adjustment, the final new car driving experience will be different."