that's not much of a problem, its like saying since there are all these modern air defence systems, should we stop making fighter jets? even China has EMP resistant gears
i am not actually concerned as much about disabling the electronics on the ship (though it would be nice) as disabling the electronics on the fighters and helicopters. hopefully it'd create an opening for the subarmines and airforce to get close enough.
Not exactly. I don't know enough about this technically to say you're wrong with 100% certainty, but based on what I know of how EMP and the technology to counter it works, I can say fairly certainly that it's not exactly like an air defense vs. fighter situation. I mean, the electrons either get through and fry the circuit or they don't. Now I don't know that someone hasn't been working on some sort of super EMP pulse that can beat Faraday cages and whatever else they use to protect circuitry, but from my understanding of it, properly protected circuits are essentially impregnable to an EMP. It's easier to protect against than it is to attack with. And fighters and helicopters are protected as well I'm fairly certain about that.