Modern Main Battle Tanks ( MBT )


New Member
Look, Here is the problem Is see with this logic, A bigger tank gun needs bigger rounds bigger rounds mean a bigger magazine a bigger magazine means a bigger tank, a bigger tank means armor, which means a bigger tank gun. and so today's 50-60 tons becomes tomorrow's 70-80 tons and then that becomes 90-100 tons. at the same time you still leaving all the problems and making more. as the tank gets heavier getting it to the battle becomes harder, 50-60 ton tanks have a hard time with bridges as it, Air transport is a already a pipe dream and Amphibious is nearly the same. add to that they still rely on highly combustible charges that are a proven major weak point for tanks and any other platform that has to rely on them. As if a fire starts on the cartridges it finds a ready fuel supply and can reach a temperature to cause the ammo to cook off. blowing the tank up form the inside out.
I don't know about "Laser RPG's" but I do know this power is becoming more and more readily available Tanks and Armored vehicles are already becoming more and more computerized and those computers need more power then the tanks of the past could offer. as a result energy capture and auxiliary power units are becoming the norm. BAE at the AUSA show this year showed off a 40 ton APC with a megawatt laser. that vehicle powered by 2 generators with a electric drive had has the power to run the laser and drive. that's just the start.
Megawatt laser is still a long way to reach 10MJ muzzle energy of current gun, even with Moore law. And MW may be a trick, since a very short pulse can be very high in Watt, but very low in Joule.
Rail Gun Ammo has the advantage of being inert. there is no cartridge. no propellent only the warhead. and military explosives are more stable then ever likely to be even more so in the future. It's likely not going to happen in the 2020s or maybe even the 2030's but the options are either we keep building until Super Heavy tanks like the Maus or we find a compromise.
Your attitude is unacceptable in military, if the real threats exist, you can not wait ten years for a weapon program. This is acceptable to the US because it doesn't need anything immediately, and can burn money for RD jobs.

And being inert is limited to direct fire, since indirect fire requires something explosive. I believe indirect fire is more important than direct fire, because the vast longer range.

Personally I think ETC guns with a Binary liquid propellent are what we will see nearer term. the tank will have unmanned turret with a larger bore then barrel. the Autoloader will select the round load and close the breach. When the commander selects the target the gunner will line up and pull the trigger. two chemicals will be injected into the chamber much like a fuel injection system on a car. one will be a oxidizer or catalyst the other the fuel both are aerosolized. then the ETC fires igniting the mix firing the round. IF the tank takes a hit from enemy fire the binary fuel cells would be separated and individually armored the turret being unmanned. The would be sitting under a armored roof in a armored compartment. the turret trashed the rounds lacking there own cartridges and the propellants being spaced and perhaps only flammable but not as hot as the two compounds the actual damage would be a mission kill for the vehicle but overall being a repairable one. the overall gun calibre itself wouldn't need a major jump the rounds would be fired at a higher velocity and efficiency well still being about the same calibre, existing round could be adapted therefor saving cost.
I don't believe in binary liquid propellant, that gun must be a factory of itself. Mixing propellant, pumping propellant, leaking propellant, controlling burn rates,...

And it seems there is no program in any binary liquid propellant that successful?


Lieutenant General
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Russian tanks in the snow
Winter maneuvers in Russia:




From the fan art, PS and CG threat:

Jaguar MBT I guess a Eventual replacement for the Leopard 2

Though purely a personal design, right?

After the first 20 A7 there remain 205 A6 left to be upgraded sometime in the future, hopefully. I've seen the idea of one more Leo2 iteration, the A8, focusing mostly on networking updates.

After that hardly anything is set, really. Just two month ago some defence politicians of the coalition, partly in the wake of the ukraine crises, requested funding for a Leo3 development program. Apparently, this was agreed to. I guess that's just finding what the required specs would be.
With a possible merger of KMW and Nexter, there's talk about a joint german-french tank being developed for 2030.

I wonder what could be in the cards. 140mm vs ETC tech. Lighter armor for more deployability, but with APS?


Tyrant King
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That's fictional from a Video game but there are reports that the Germans and French.
Niemcy zbudują Leoparda 3?

Fot. Staff Sgt. Joel Salgado/US Army Europe.

Jakub Palowski
[email protected]

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Niemiecki parlament przyjął rekomendację dotyczącą przeprowadzenia projektu rozwojowego czołgu nowej generacji Leopard 3. Program ma zostać uwzględniony w średniookresowym planowaniu finansowym resortu obrony.
Bundestag przyjął rekomendację niemieckiej komisji obrony, popartą przez komisję do spraw finansów publicznych i dotyczącą między innymi projektu rozwojowego czołgu nowej generacji typu Leopard 3. Decyzja parlamentarzystów związana jest z pogarszającą się sytuacją geopolityczną, w tym przypuszczalnie z kryzysem na Ukrainie.

W dokumencie czytamy, że w świetle „zwiększonych ryzyk polityki bezpieczeństwa” konieczne jest „sprawdzenie” czy docelowa liczba czołgów Leopard 2 na wyposażeniu Bundeswehry (225) jest wystarczająca. Ponadto, w obecnych warunkach wymagane są dalsze modernizacje posiadanych systemów uzbrojenia, a także przeprowadzenie projektu rozwojowego czołgu podstawowego następnej generacji Leopard 3.

Według rekomendacji omawiane działania powinny znaleźć odzwierciedlenie w planowaniu finansowym resortu obrony Republiki Federalnej w średnim okresie czasu. Stosowne głosowanie odbyło się 26 listopada, wniosek został poparty przez partie CDU/CSU i SPD przy sprzeciwie Zielonych i Die Linke.

Zgodnie z treścią uzasadnienia, przedłożonego przez komisję obrony docelową liczbę 225 Leopardów na wyposażeniu Bundeswehry określono wprost jako nieodpowiednią w świetle dążenia przez NATO do wzmocnienia systemu obrony kolektywnej (w związku z kryzysem na Ukrainie). Zaznaczono, że zdolności w zakresie sił lądowych i wojsk pancernych są jednymi z najważniejszych dla niemieckiej armii. Wcześniej sformowanie dodatkowej niemiecko-holenderskiej jednostki pancernej sugerował ekspert koalicyjnej partii SPD zajmujący się polityką obronną Rainer Arnold.

Parlamentarzyści argumentowali również, że należy się zatroszczyć o utrzymanie zdolności niemieckich wojsk pancernych w przyszłości, poprzez realizację programu pojazdu nowej generacji Leopard 3. Zwrócili uwagę, że przemysł zbrojeniowy dysponuje odpowiednimi zdolnościami w tym zakresie. W odniesieniu do modernizacji istniejących czołgów podkreślono, że niektórzy użytkownicy zagraniczni Leopardów dysponują obecnie pojazdami o większych możliwościach, niż pojazdy używane przez Bundeswehrę. Zalecono usunięcie „dysproporcji” w tym zakresie.

Jak podaje „Die Welt”, nowy czołg mógłby powstać w miarę możliwości w ramach współpracy przemysłu zbrojeniowego Niemiec i Francji (także w kontekście planowanego połączenia koncernów zbrojeniowych KMW i Nexter). Przewiduje się, że następca Leoparda 2 może osiągnąć gotowość bojową około 2030 roku.
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Germany will build Leopard 3?

Fig. Staff Sgt. Joel Salgado / US Army Europe.

James Palowski
[email protected]

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The German parliament approved a recommendation to undertake a development project of a new generation Leopard tank 3. The program is to be included in the medium-term financial planning of the Ministry of Defence.
German Bundestag adopted a recommendation defense committee, supported by the committee for public finances and for, inter alia, the development project of a new-generation tank Leopard 3. The decision of parliament is associated with worsening geopolitical situation, including presumably the crisis in Ukraine.

The document says that in light of the "increased risks of security policy" must include "Check" if the target number of Leopard 2 tanks equipped Bundeswehr (225) is sufficient. In addition, under current conditions, further improvements are required possessed weapons systems and to perform basic tank development project next generation Leopard 3.

According to the recommendation of these actions should be reflected in the financial planning of the Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic in the medium term. Suitable vote held on 26 November, the proposal was supported by the CDU / CSU and the SPD with the opposition Greens and Die Linke.

According to the statement of reasons submitted by the committee to defend the target number of 225 Leopards Bundeswehr supplied directly identified as inadequate in the light of NATO's efforts to strengthen the system of collective defense (due to the crisis in Ukraine). It was noted that the capacity for ground forces and armored forces are among the most important for the German army. Prior to the formation of additional German-Dutch armored units expert suggested SPD coalition involved in defense policy Rainer Arnold.

MPs also argued that one should take care to maintain the ability of German armored forces in the future, through the implementation of the new generation vehicle Leopard 3. They pointed out that the defense industry has adequate capacity in this area. With regard to the modernization of existing tanks emphasized that some users now have foreign Leopards vehicles with more powerful than the vehicles used by the Bundeswehr. Recommended removing "disparities" in this regard.

According to "Die Welt", the new tank could arise as far as possible within the defense industry cooperation Germany and France (in the context of the planned merger of corporations arms and Nexter KMW). It is expected that the successor to the Leopard 2 combat readiness can reach about 2030 years.