Miscellaneous News


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Registered Member
Tbh this was bound to happen. The brute force approach to train models does not work when you have effectively already inputted all of human knowledge in text form into the model. Exact same thing has already happened to video games. A magnitude increase in processing power have not resulted in linear improvement in performance, why would AI be any different?

At some point smarter inputs will have equal if not better response than simply throwing more oomph into the machine.

This whole fiasco is just American venture capitalists falling for tech bubble once again, nothing in tech is infinitely scalable.


Registered Member

A lot of people in the US are becoming financial and economic illiterates. When the price of a technology goes down the investment usually goes up. Imagine these idiots in the 80s when MOS technology introduced the 6052 and sold those for 20 bucks when the rest of the market was selling much more expensive CPUs, what comes next? the personal computer revolution. This could open the door for more companies to enter the game which will mean more investment.



Registered Member
I wonder if China is very close to EUV , efficient DUV or complete semiconductor supply chain then we think they are at. Seems they are just publicly flexing hard the past month rather than hiding their strength, unafraid of likely call for even more tech sanctions from the derange us hawks.