More on Salt Typhoon and the lack of coverage:
“The Chinese aren’t that interested in making a deal with us. I was there in September and they basically said, ‘You’re on a downhill path, why should we deal with you now?,’” Lewis said of talks around lowering cyberattacks. “I think the first step is to engage, warn them, and take action.”
When western politicians and presstitutes wilfully ignore a major story, it’s because a kill order has been place on that story to try and mindhole it.
When that story is about China and would play right into the typical China-threat narratives yet all the China Chicken-Hawks are totally silent on it, that means this isn’t just a story about Chinese capabilities, but also is massively embarrassing for the Washington establishment.
In this context, it hardly takes a genius or massive leap of deduction to conclude that China achieved these hacks not just through its own techno-sorcery, but by taking advantage of back doors placed into the networks by the US Alphabet agencies, most likely done by the manufacturers at source at the behest of said US agencies.
If that’s the case, it’s little wonder the US is desperate to not have everyone dig into the details of this case, not least because it might expose their own illegal mass surveillance operations against US and allied populations.