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A Miami Financier Is Quietly Trying to Buy Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline​

An American investor with a history of dealmaking in Russia has asked the U.S. government to allow him to bid on the sabotaged Nord Stream Pipeline 2 if it comes up for auction in a Swiss bankruptcy proceeding.

Stephen P. Lynch spent two decades doing business in Moscow and now wants to buy the natural-gas pipeline that runs from Russia to Germany. He has argued to U.S. officials and lawmakers that American ownership of the pipeline would provide leverage in any peace negotiations with Russia to end the war in Ukraine and serve U.S. long-term interests.
“The bottom line is this: This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for American and European control over European energy supply for the rest of the fossil-fuel era,” Lynch said in a rare interview.
Lynch, who lives in Miami and was a large contributor to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, has told people “he wants to be the richest guy you’ve never heard of,” but his audacious plan would thrust the former Peace Corps volunteer into public view.

The 765-mile-long pipeline had been a crown jewel of Russia’s petro economy linking its vast gas fields to Europe. It was completed before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and never became commercially operational. It is owned by a subsidiary of Russia’s state-owned gas giant Gazprom, a unit that filed for bankruptcy in Switzerland days after the invasion. In September 2022, subsea explosions destroyed one of the pipeline’s two trunks. The other remains intact but unused.

Best vassal state Germany.


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"Strong" resume. Trump is really draining the swamp...
Alex Wong reminds me of Miles Yu, the main China advisor to Pompeo as sectary of state during Trump's last term who supposedly helped shape his entire China policy, the policy that we can now see helped China enormously.

Miles went to Nankai in Tianjin to study history, and then, after supposedly being "inspired" by Regan, and with nothing but a history degree, went to study in the US in 1985, and within 10 years became a Professor at US Naval Academy. It's actually pretty incredible someone with a Nankai background could advance so fast and so far in the US defence and national security circle, lol

I generally look at the end effect of people's actions, or proposed actions, before judging a person, after all the best agents are those people wonder least about, and for China that means someone whose maximumally critical of China.


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Anyone who had been following Russian news would know that Russia put sanctions on food imports from the EU, they switched their banking system to no longer work on SWIFT or VISA/Mastercard internally. They created SPFS and the Mir card, and the state gave low interest rate loans to any company which wanted to bring their supply chain inside Russia. This was done all the way since at least 2014 to 2022. In some sectors this started around 2008 even.

All the money the Russian central bank had saved in Dollars was converted into either Yuan or gold, they only kept their Euro denominated savings in Western currency.

They massively increased the size of the Russian army with many new armored formations being brought up all the time to keep up with the size of the increasing Ukrainian army. At one time I grew suspicious since they weren't even modernizing the tanks they brought from the stockpiles anymore, they just refurbished them and made new formations as they were. That was like the year before they went into Ukraine.
And was keeping currency in Euros right move?


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This dude must have studied strategy or other military, history and other security related fields to be able to work in the national security realm/foreign policy area with some of the most top level U.S. politicians. I mean, looking at his educational b.g. and what he's supposedly studied, how is English and French literature, and J.D. Law from Harvard going to provide you all the necessary and crucial understanding of your country's adversaries along with their cultural prelidictions and norms? How are those degrees going to assist and even become the crucial building blocks for a more thorough understanding of strategy or any f...ng strategy as a whole?

I am not being facetious here, I am quite genuinely puzzled as to what makes Alex Wong the most qualified person to be holding the deputy NATSEC. What's his record of accomplishment other than writing a sort of Tom Clancy type musings about China's malevolent intent and machinations which are really a dime a dozen in many western think tanks and publications.

How many American D did this guy suck on his way to those jobs.
After the third or so Fox News appointee, people have stopped asking about the qualifications of Trump's cabinet picks. Its all about loyalty and devotion to MAGA.


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US will never give up on territorial aggression, observe how they speak about a Chinese province in the same terms Putin speaks about Ukraine in the address before Feb 24 2022.

Quote "Therefore, the defense of Taiwan by the United States should be more symbolic", the only thing missing from full on Russia style revanchism is a long tirade on how the history and peoples of "Taiwan" has always belonged with America and that China is an artificial country founded in 1949. Such rhetoric is also commonly found by other US mouthpieces, but not in this particular writing.

The thing we must always remember: If US stops threats towards Taiwan, it is never because US has abandoned its desire for annexation, but only because US considers itself too weak to make a serious attempt. US will always try to come back later or in other arenas when they feel like they're able to.

Therefore, the lasting solution that China must insist on is regime change in US and/or a cultural shift against expansionism. To carry this out, Beijing needs to employ all the tools in its kit, diplomatic, military and economic.

US will only leave China alone when the US population is too suffering and exhausted to eye lands like Taiwan with greed in their eyes. We know from the Vietnam war that the average citizens in US will stand up and refuse to be butchered by their government, as long as we arrange for enough of them to be butchered first so that they wake up and realize their lives are being thrown in the meatgrinder to paint maps for some elites hiding in the back.
Not even then; the US elites, indeed the entire Atlanticist ruling class do not care about their own people. It’ll take an internal revolt Russian revolution style or PLA troops in Washington DC hoisting the red flag over the capitol building.


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In the end we all know its all going to just 1 of those... Maybe a little of the red as well.

That's why you don't buy a pig in a poke or count chickens before they hatch lol
It's going to the green cuz soft power.

Republic of K̶o̶r̶e̶a̶ Samsung

The infamous Jewish S̶a̶s̶s̶o̶o̶n̶ Sackler Family of USA, ruining lives with opium

Speaking of Sassoon, where are they now? Here: Con artist, David Shlomo Sassoon, who tries very hard to hide his name on search engines, had to borrow a $3,000 loan from his employee in a company that was dissolved before the first paycheck.
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Kathimerini chronicles the activities of the bogus investor with multiple identities and many criminal convictions

As a result of their activities ^^ the Samidoun group, has been banned in Canada, US and Europe; next target is SJP which has been organizing protests and educational awareness in north America.

Big Brother is watching you.
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Lieutenant General
This Alex Wong is only there to make it look like Trump means business. Do you think Trump is really a New York tough guy? It's all an act to make it look like he means business. All this Alex Wong adds is stupidity for the US. Just because he’s there, does it mean there’s more likely to be war? He doesn't have that kind of power just like all these other anti-China idiots Trump is appointing don't have any authority on their own. That’s what they want the Chinese to think. Nothing has actually changed. Americans are going to die just as much as before.

It's just like with terrorism. Americans are upset that Muslim terrorists are not targeting China because they deserve it more. That's why they're taking up the Uighur cause hoping that stirs up anger in the Islamic world and thus they'll start targeting Chinese. Americans are scared shitless over being killed by terrorism so they want Chinese to feel as terrorized as they do. But they don't realize Americans are scared because they think their lives are more valuable than anyone else's so they don't want to lose it. So how do they think the Chinese will be affected in the same way? There's no one telling the Chinese how important their lives are to the world like everyone does to and why Americans think of themselves why they're so important. China doesn't hide behind human rights like the West does which is why it's also an Achilles heel for the West. China isn't going to stop to kill terrorists they find. The US has to be measured in their response so they don't come across as looking they don't care about human rights. That doesn't help Americans alleviate their insecurities. Terrorists aren't supervillains like Americans make them out to be. They can be killed in the same manner that anyone else can be killed. The irony is this Alex Wong is the US attempt at terrorism. What works on Americans, Americans think it'll work on the Chinese. Scare China into submission to US demands. Americans are no different from terrorists because they both enjoy terrorizing people who think they're helpless to do anything about it.

Do Chinese make themselves out like they live in a Utopia like Americans do for themselves. No. That's why Americans are in fear more because in their minds they have more to lose. Do you see all of Chinese society in a panic over these recent mass murders by insane individuals? Of course Chinese people don't want to die but do you think Chinese are going to go apeshit like Americans do because they think they're going be personally targeted next? I know someone who's a Republican and he once argued to me that I have to vote Republican because if I don't, chances are I would die from a terrorist act. See that's his context but to me I'm would more likely be killed by a white racist Republican than an Islamic terrorist. Making things personal is why scaring people into compliance works in the US. That's why Americans think China wants their individual data because they're personally that important to know what they're doing. It's why Americans turned against the Iraq War. Once US soldiers KIA just became a statistic and not lionized in the media to which what they were doing before and the only ones left mourning are loved ones, that's when Americans will turn.


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The internet did it's thing and identified a related operation: hiring agents to infiltrate Palestinian protests. Did I get blocked by this account I've never encountered in the past or has Twitter greyed out the share button, as well as repost and like buttons on this specific post exposing the culprit? I had to take a screenshot and upload it at SDF.
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The group Shirion Collective appeared in late 2023. $10,000 bounties on identifying and defaming politicans at pro Palestinian protests, $500 for everybody else.
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Shirion Collective was founded by a Daniel Linden, based in Florida, financed by crowdfunding
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