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Registered Member
So let's see the logic. Chinese government didn't commit genocide. The US regime did, and they shamelessly talk about it.
The sociopathy in Anglo American society is that they actually think this is adequate recompense.
It’s like when Australian politicians, corporations et al give the preamble “we give recognition to the indigenous Australians, past, present and future as the owners of this land…” but those anglos aren’t giving that land back and what’s left of the aboriginals are corralled away and only the Anglo passing blue eye, blonde aboriginals are allowed to succeed in Australian society.


Registered Member
The Anglo West pattern of behaviour is such that they will only be friendly towards you if you are not considered a threat to their hegemony and an independent actor they do not completely control. When these empires took over those lands, they weren't recognising indigenous anything or paying respects to anyone past, present or otherwise.

Only when you are defeated and controlled will they wheel out the pathetically empty pity words. If anything, a greater fucking insult.


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Intel lays off 15% of its staff and its stock tumbles as it struggles to turn around its ailing business​

15% Layoffs, dividends paused, revenues down YoY, proposed fab construction paused.
How do you mess up so bad when the semiconductor sector is a money printing machine right now?
CHIPS act going swimmingly.
something you should know about semiconductor fabs. they make money by producing things, and in some certain places, manufacturing for any non-regime customer is at high risk of losing money, because they cannot guarantee their customer source. that is because in authoritarian regimes like China, the government is the only one with money, while ordinary people don't even have $500 in savings and haven't for over 10+ years. That is because there is very low social mobility in authoritarian regimes.

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it is a typical 国进民退 situation. That is how you have Chinese cities like Niu Yue and Jiu Jin Shan having the highest concentration of billionaires in the world yet also high rates of homelessness, drugs and crime. China needs to increase consumption and institute libdem, as that surely will fix these problems, as has been proven to be the case everywhere.


Lieutenant General
If the British government were actually efficient they’d all be chilling in Rwanda now. And that would probably an improvement for their situation since Rwandans are generally friendly to Chinese people and recently have made huge strides improving infrastructure and law.

Just as well, because if the British had deported all the McNOBs to Rwanda, they would have quickly reversed all the goodwill the rest of China built there over the last several decades.

But actually the Rwanda scheme is like basically every other Tory scheme, the primary purpose is to make money for their friends and families. Any actual benefit to the British country is just an externality they couldn’t fully profit from, whereas any and all damage/cost to the British taxpayer is just a feature, not a bug.

If one day China wants to actively sabotage the UK with direct political interference, all it needs to do is help the Tories get into power and they will eagerly do their worst without even needing to be asked.


Junior Member
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So US commits genocide, but "allows" discussion of it.
It's more like the US commits genocide, and doesn't even care enough to hide it.

Hiding genocide, ironically, implies that you know how bad it is and is afraid of being found out.

The fact that the US doesn't even bother with that, indicates how little value it attaches to the act. It's like telling people "yeah, I murdered a bunch of people, it was wrong and I feel bad about it, but hey you want to get dinner?" The sign of a psychopath who lacks any human empathy and only "logically" processes the act.


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If anything, all of the US's self-destructive moves with chips and the dollar (and I am still convinced probably Covid) proves that they're extremely likely to do other very self-destructive things like what I have suggested they will do. Kill switch and/or all the Boeings flying to, from, and within Chinese airspace, with weaponized autopilot remotely turned on at the start of war, kamikaze-ing into stationary strategic, military, and symbolic Chinese targets like a thousand missiles. A thousand 9/11s on China. To them, anything is worth it if they can hurt China. They fully are capable of burning their own house down just to give China a few third degree burns. To be honest, I am baffled you think they are being rational. The fear of losing their hegemony has driven them to become rabid mad dogs, foaming at the mouth. There is only one thing that can be done to dogs like that.
In the US, it is not only the government but also the corporations who wield power and make policies, and Boeing is not owned by the government but rather by private entities who may not be sharing the same motives as the government. Kill switch will destroy the Boeing institution but not the USG, hence it's in Boeing's best interest to prevent the government from inducing it's death, and we know how much influence these corporations have over the government. Moreover, USG still has some rationality, though they don't have many options to choose from. Peace, diplomacy, and fair dealing aren't an option for them since they've never sought and developed these traits.

No really. Every rule has exceptions, nothing is absolute because nature throws curveballs from time to time. That's not how all societies work either, there are cultures and ideologies that are more accommodating and tolerant than others. Some cultures assimilate generally, some cultures seek to supplant others by force.
Thanks for confirming my point and negating your own.
If you ever felt useless.

Just remember this, India despite having 10 times bigger military and 10 times the budget of Pakistan's military has managed to lose half of Kashmir to them and still can't get it back.
I don't believe that is true. I'm pretty certain the Indian military in size is ~2:1 to Pakistan (and even below 2:1 in most equipment), but they do have a 10× larger budget.

Indian MBT count is ~3700 vs Pakistan's 2600. IFV/APC: India ~4200 vs Pak ~3100. Artillery: India ~5400 vs Pak ~3800. Army Aviation: India ~550 vs Pak ~300. AF F/A aircraft: India ~600 vs Pak ~450. Submarines: India 18 vs Pak 5. Surface fleet: India ~200 vs Pak ~90. Active manpower ~2 million vs 1 million.

The real question is: why does India have a 10× larger budget but not 10× larger military? This question has been debated before (maybe not on SDF); that's how I knew the size isn't 10× larger. And from what I remember, the answers ranged from inefficient use of resources and corruption (and possibly a grossly and unlikely understated Pakistan defense budget).

As someone from Pakistan. I cannot thank China enough for making solar panels so cheap. If this technology was in the hands of western capitalists. Solar Panels would have been unaffordable.
China mass produced solar panels and then exported it to the developing world at an affordable price

Electricity bill here is extremely high so installing solar panels in a country where sun shines alot is a lifesaver.
I heard Pakistanis installed so many private solar panels that demand for power from the grid has fallen to the level that the state power suppliers are sitting in losses without buyers, cutting the revenue they'd hoped would pay off their loans for those power projects.

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
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On one hand, I want to empathize with British protestors as their leadership has clearly failed them. Britain is a shell of its former self and getting poorer by the day.

But on the other hand, I also know that these protestors probably hate all non-whites and praise the murderous British empire so I don't give a damn about them


Junior Member
Registered Member
The sociopathy in Anglo American society is that they actually think this is adequate recompense.
It’s like when Australian politicians, corporations et al give the preamble “we give recognition to the indigenous Australians, past, present and future as the owners of this land…” but those anglos aren’t giving that land back and what’s left of the aboriginals are corralled away and only the Anglo passing blue eye, blonde aboriginals are allowed to succeed in Australian society.
"A proclamation on some incidents involving the government of China"

"The Uyghur people were pressured to participate in society, and through their core cultural customs were not affected, a number of terrorists were forcibly removed. The Chinese government apologizes for disruption in daily life during the anti terrorism campaign. Our internal investigation has already discovered that there were no violations of any sort committed, but we just wanted to be nice and drop a heads up to settle this account for all posterity."

"The Ukrainian people has been emptied out from their own country by China's ally, with some number sadly being domed on the head directly by Chinese made munitions or guidence systems. For this unfortunate situation, we cannot formally apologise, nor will we change our policies, but we want Ukraine to know that your country is in the thoughts and prayers of all Chinese. A humanitarian gift of 10 000 $ in joss money is prepared for every single AFU casualty, they can be redeemed if you radio the Volga."

Your move, America
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