Doesn't surprise me one bit. The warped portrayal of Israel in American media is the reason. It's a complete inversion of logic and fact for the self-preservation of regime, with liberal sprinkling of actual fact to be used as "proof" in persecution of unbelievers whenever that persecution happens to be contested by the public. It's very much the repetition of the cult-like nature of early American settler Protestantism.
I remember when years ago I used to move between the US (Bush Jr) and UK (Blair-Brown) and was stunned how starkly different the facts were portrayed. Or should I say how there was almost no facts in American messaging.
The Jews in America don't know the truth about Israel. When they try to reach it they're overwhelmed by both the sheer scale of "truth decay" around that subject resulting from the intensity of disinformation produced by
both sides - both the rabid Zionists and the unhinged, borderline anti-semitic anti-Israeli Muslims who use lies and manipulation to the same extent because
they target a different audience. And whenever they're faced with somewhat of a honest take it either is less effective because of other ideological problems like most of them being far-left. A conservative anti-Zionist could reach a lot of Republicans but there aren't many who aren't racists and anti-semites, and only those are left alone by Zionist bullies to serve as "proof" that no honest conservative could
ever oppose Israeli interest.
American Jews are tremendously brainwashed - first by their own culture, then by American Zionist propaganda and then finally they're conditioned to respond in the manner of American political tribalism which really works like a caste system. I've seen with my own eyes how difficult it is for them to process the fact that they "may" have been deceived. They usually respond with apathy and withdrawal - which is the standard response in American politics to the nature of their political system.
This documentary shows some aspects of the problem:
Academic jews do not tend to have a lot of pull within their community, though
American Academics in general have very weak influence on American society because American society is organised in the same way that Medieval feudal societies were.
Production of knowledge is expensive and only stable and developed (by standards of a given civilisational stage) societies can afford to have knowledge production at a sufficient rate that it outpaces knowledge of predatory deception. American society has oligarchs producing predatory deception at astounding pace, and that has been true throughout the entire 20th century which results in the society adapting a countermeasure that unfortunately is a populist anti-intellectual response.
In Europe that trend has been countered to an extent by the scale and influence of the established churches which became producers of knowledge and then were replaced by secular academic institutions. In mid 20th century we achieved the peak of societal development and then American influences began to cause regression.
The causal relationship of religious schools influencing the creation of similarly established secular schools is never to be underestimated when analysing the development of Western civilisation. The fact that there were two rather than one claims to authority - religious and civil - over a population disrupted the class war sufficiently that the society could progress. As soon as you can develop the unity of religious and civil authority a theocracy emerges and class war enters a binary, harmonic relationship that becomes self-referential. See India stuck in cultural and civilisational development.
That relationship however was completely inverted in North America because North America was settled by theocrats (north) or feudal authoritarians (south) and had no established knowledge producing institution independent of these. As long as North America as a cultural center remained subordinate to European knowledge (including migration of European scientists there after WW2) there was no problem. That last stage resulted in the very un-American phenomenon of Space Race. However as soon as it was "won" the support in America for continued funding of knowledge production collapsed because the lack of established intellectual institutions meant that American society immediately fell victim to the class war between oligarchs and people. In that war each side views knowledge producers as a threat, but only the oligarchs for the right reasons (competition for resources and influence). The people are deceived and think that knowledge producers are their enemies because
oligarchs project their own image onto the knowledge producers who in turn fail to use the popular symbolic language to counter oligarch's predatory deception. Just look what happened around vaccines! Interestingly in Poland, the very party that cooperates with Republicans politically was in favour of vaccines because we still have remnants of the institutional framework in place.
And since oligarchs control political process and consequently wealth distribution knowledge producers must serve them to survive. It's a theocracy with religion of capitalism (profit as highest good, capital as only value) as its core ideology and the inverted totalitarianism of "the current thing" and Huxleyan endless distractions as its face.
That's why so many Americans hold contradictory views. The American conservative's ideology is a post-Enlightenment version of Hindu caste system and belief in reincarnation that rewards and punishes by moving up and down caste depending on how faithfully you follow the dogma. And it has nothing to do with actual Christianity. Then again we need to remember
who founded and shaped America. There's a reason why scientology is a legal religion in the US.
The way that this is reflected in American stance on Israel is not even the biggest problem. Americans are so brainwashed that when Ron Paul ran in 2008 talking about "they come over here because we're over there" he couldn't even cite bin Laden's express declaration of "we will fight you because you station US troops in Saudi Arabia which is a holy land for Muslims". US literally invaded Iraq to move its troops out of Saudi Arabia and Saudi intelligence may have aided in 9/11 because of that (that they were involved is confirmed by official document). Why didn't he say that? He didn't know that it was important!!! A congressman who made foreign policy his platform didn't know.
This is how detached from reality Americans are. They're dangerous not because they're malicious but because they're so unbelievably ignorant that you can't even explain to them the consequences of their actions. So they think and react like children. They're the ultimate useful idiots. And the entire political circus in the US is built around that fact.