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Registered Member
中国共产党 -> "China Communist Party" -> "Chinese Communist Party".
It makes enough sense for me. Besides, we're using the English language, and English-speakers all call it "CCP". When in Rome, do as the Romans. Even if it's using a sponge to scrub your ass after a shit.
I choose to use the correct terminology, especially if the majority are retards.

Fair enough. I can use "CPC" if it makes you feel that much better. I suppose it's a more mechanical translation of 中国共产党 that avoids the possessive modifier of 'Chinese'.
However, you must admit the irony of you saying this with a username in Latin.

I think your English is good enough to know what "When in Rome, do as the Romans" actually means, and you pretend that it is a blanket "let's bend over and present ourselves" just to argue.
It does not suggest accepting insult or shedding one's own identity, but to accept certain pragmatic facts, such as if you say "CPC" to a group of Westerners, they will become confused and think you are talking about the CDC.

Now that it is clear that this part of the forum is not populated by "Romans", despite the Latin names, I suppose we can all get along and use the people-approved "CPC" instead of "CCP".
Background note: I eat spaghetti with chopsticks. It is a rip off of Shaanxi handmade noodles, just poorly made with the wrong ingredients, so I treat it as such. If I don't like what the romans are doing, they can suck it.

It's really a shame. If Ukraine had sided with China and exterminated Ukrainian neonazis, instead of with the US and bolstering Ukrainian neonazis, it would now be a fairly safe, intact, and prosperous (by Eastern European standards) place.
But there's so many Ukrainian girls heading east now...


Registered Member
This much is true. Russia is not the Soviet Union. Their doctrine is way more based on using nuclear weapons defensively since they are totally outnumbered. In this way it is similar to NATO doctrine against the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War.
yup Russia is not Soviet Union because it shed people whose presence may create hinderance in building relations with Arabian Gulf.
i would think in conventional fire power Russia is number 1. Just because they are not want to reveal real capability of Tu-160M does not mean that it cannot carry several time of Tu-95MSM/Su-34M. and I do think people in Kazan has real vision when they put that years of efforts in that Islamic forum and just think who care about old lady.




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Background note: I eat spaghetti with chopsticks. It is a rip off of Shaanxi handmade noodles, just poorly made with the wrong ingredients, so I treat it as such. If I don't like what the romans are doing, they can suck it.
Agree with you. Don't know how the Italians worked out using forks to eat spaghetti, but they did it wrong. A pragmatic rejection of how the Romans do. Frankly I don't understand how something extruded like spaghetti can hold up for so long when boiled, but it does.


Registered Member
Indian dude came to America, got married, bought a handgun, and thought he was gonna do a road rage, American-style. And got killed.
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His new Mexican wife is distraught. And his family in India wants justice. But looking at recorded footage by a witness. He was not merely an innocent victim:

That dude blocked a pickup truck with his car, brought out his handgun, yelling like a maniac, punched the pickup truck door, and then proceeded to threaten the driver at the window. This is America, that pickup truck driver had every right to shoot him back in self-defence. This whole thing apparently happened after that pickup truck overtook him earlier.

I understand that having a gun in hand could make you feel powerful, but this is Indiana dude, not Agra. Other drivers have guns too.
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Following a meeting of Xi and Obama in 2013, the image below comparing Winnie the Pooh and Tigger with Xi and Obama went viral on US alt-right forums and social media circles accompanied by references to Obama using a derogatory racial term (Hint: the term rhymes with Tigger).

When this image was found to be banned by Chinese censors, Western media went wild with the easily disproved falsehood that Winnie the Pooh is banned in China for its likeness to Xi Jinping while completely ignoring the original contexts in which the banned image was used in.
View attachment 132898

I hate to say it, I see the resemblance LMAO

"Pooh and Tigger, Xi and N*gger" also sounds catchy. No wonder the US alt-rights loved it.


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He looks like he ran out of cocaine.
Damn I wouldn’t want to be in this idiots position, he is literally screwed in all directions, if he surrenders, the Nazis will fork him and if he continues sooner or later either the Russians or even his people will eventually fork him and if the USA gets tired of him, then the yanks will fork him and if for some reason the emotional damage reaches critical levels and he goes coo coo la la, he might fork himself like Chris Benoit did only unlike his case with the whole brain trauma thing, he might just do it due to coke withdrawals and massive levels of jet lag from his stay away from Ukraine deal screwing with his brain. Somehow listening to Boris Johnson doesn’t seem like a good idea in hindsight but he is an actor so that son of a nice lady isn’t paid to think, he was paid to be a Karen on the world stage with the Europeans somehow liking what they see


Registered Member
From an emotional aspect we still get affected. But realistically there's no point listening to western media which is now a sinking ship. Just look at the chaos that's going on there.

Another thing you may also see is the US stock market might have a another "correction" soon. When that happens, it's going to be the start of something painful.

The US stock market is going straight up.

The game is rigged.


Registered Member
I asked you because every Chinese person who grew up in China and isn't a 反贼 calls it CPC. The few on this forum that are 'allowed' to use "CCP" are so hardcore red that it doesn't even matter.
Because you have made some questionable posts with questionable interpretations, you don't fall into that category, and thus do not get a free pass as they do.

To me is it always CCP. There cannot be any other way.

中国共产党 ... that is what is says.

Direct translation.

Communist Part of China, that sounds foreign, I prefer the Chinglish!



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Russia still has like an order of magnitude more nuclear warheads than China. And it is not like Russia only has Avangard. They also have the Zircon. Which is a 1000-1200km range Mach 9 hypersonic cruise missile that can carry a >200kt nuclear warhead. Russia thus far is the only country which has operational hypersonic cruise missiles.
They have literally dozens of ships which can carry the Zircon. Each Project 885M Yasen-M SSGN can carry like 32 Zircon missiles. Russia has four such submarines operational and is meant to build a dozen of them. That will be up to 384 hypersonic missiles each carrying a warhead with an order of magnitude more destructive power than the bomb the US dropped at Hiroshima. That is enough to hit all US cities with over 100,000 population. And this will be just the SSGNs. In practice the SSGNs would be used to strike command nodes and other such in theater targets while the SSBNs would obliterate the major cities.

This much is true. Russia is not the Soviet Union. Their doctrine is way more based on using nuclear weapons defensively since they are totally outnumbered. In this way it is similar to NATO doctrine against the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War.

Actually I would say NK having nukes will probably help save their economy in the long term because it will allow them to reduce the amount of conventional forces they need to defend themselves. While nukes are extremely expensive having conventional weapons capable of similar effects are way more expensive to build, man, and maintain.

China needs to ensure Mutually Assured Destruction it is as simple as that.
Russia claims some 1200-1800 warheads on high alert at all times, while China (by questionable sources) estimates 500-1500 in launch on warning and an unknown amount of warheads separated from their missiles for peacetime storage. That is not an order of magnitude, it's at most a difference of a few hundred, compared to peacetime China which has warheads separated.

China sports several possible zircon equivalents, most notably DF100. They don't install tactical nukes because they can rely on precision and overwhelming numbers. Zircon came out later than the first gen of PLA marv or hgvs.

I give the Russians a somewhat lower mark because while their striking capability is assumedly similar, it costs a larger % of the Russian budget to do so.