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Biden said some sweet stuff about how Asians are awesome, and the police spokesman still hasn't been fired. I mean, I knew it would happen like that. Just classic Democrat behavior.

A lot of you are unaware, but it was the Soviet Union that advanced social egalitarianism, and forced the United States to follow suit, not the other way around.


Lieutenant General
American Racism runs deep and at highest level of privileged class in society.

Mr. President Biden. Remember silence is complicit or was that just american political talk.

Remember. your words..

‘Our silence is complicity’: Biden meets Asian-Americans, calls for unity after Atlanta shootings​

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Not surprised since Hillary Clinton says Patrick Moynihan was her role model as Senator.


The Capitalist
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Look deeper.

What's the driving force behind the Xinjiang genocide narrative? It's the barrage of "free media" all regurgitating the same lies over and over.

The politicians themselves are only grandstanding patsies. They only care about their image, their next election, and their corporate handout after their terms end, in that order. When the media keeps indoctrinating the same lies, there is only one way the politicians can act.

Like I said, the West is a supranational bloc. If we were only talking about German capitalists, then yes, they'd be crazy to antagonize China.

Trouble is, the German capitalists are just small fry in a big pond. Oil interests, Wall Street financiers, the MIC, all dwarf German automobile interests by several magnitudes. The capitalist media serves those interests, and the media can control the politicians.

Just a quick word on this. The key phrase to remember is that the US will never tolerate a Peer Competitor.
I have always believed that the UK role in the EU was to act as the US's spoiler to prevent a proper Unified EU state emerging, whihc indeed would be a serious peer competitor to the US. I see this quite clearly from the Major Governments action of opposing deepening of the EU (which is what France and Germany wanted) and promoting widening the EU into Eastern Europe, (which is definitely what the US wanted). I think Brexit has been a geopolitical disaster for the US and it means that a true EU state is far more likely now than not.
I think Germany will review its position through that prism and its actions will be telling even if the soundbites are not.


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The translator for the Chinese diplomatic team at the Alaska meeting, Zhang Jing is getting quite some attention from Chinese netizens. Both for her performance, and also definitely for her pretty looks.

It's definitely not an easy task. To accurately translate many minutes of Chinese diplomatic sentences into English. And to convey them clearly to the opposite side.

Quote from GT:
The highlight of Zhang's interpretation came when she smoothly translated several speeches by the Chinese delegation that were more than 10 minutes long fluently and accurately into English, which earned her applause and respect from netizens, including many majoring in interpretation.

Quote from SCMP:
A participant at the meeting said Yang’s lengthy speech would be “a test for the interpreter”. Blinken said: “We’re going to give the translator a raise,” which drew a moment of laughter in the tense situation.

Zhang then delivered a near 2,000 word English translation of Yang’s remarks.

It can be debated whether Zhang Jing's looks may have gotten her more attention than usual for interpreters. But still, full credit to her excellent performance at Alaska.
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Lieutenant General
If you think Gordon Chang, is stupid, he's not that stupid. Stupid is this

That book, "Chinese Girl in the Ghetto", makes the Coming Collapse of China look like high brain material.

That book is either about the inferiority of black people, or about how ghettos don't exist and racism against black people doesn't exist anymore.
This is the Republican tactic to deflect away from all the anti-Asian violence they caused. Shut up or you're in league with China.