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Anglo Delenda Est.
It is only the Anglos and those who follow and subscribe to an Anglo white supremacist western chauvinist world order who oppose China's rise.
No, that is parasitic fungus life strategy. China uses apex predator strategy, which is to directly out-innovate and out-compete the resident apex predator.
An Apex Predator necessarily needs to cull the herd to remind all, who is King of the Jungle.
Appropriate, the Anglos are known to be the biggest karens in geopolitics as well amongst those who work in client and customer services.

Bigger question is how the natsec Anglo Elites are gonna stop their wall street banker Anglo elites from profiting off China. That's a lot of post government jobs that they're not gonna get cuz they'll be Pompeo'd.

Those two aircraft carriers for the PLAN would certainly have influenced US attempts at starting a war during 2020-2021.


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I always thought it was odd how he had to step down for spying. Really minor offense compared to what other presidents pulled.

They hated Nixon for the same reasons they hated all right-wing US presidents, because they were right-wingers.

They hated Reagan too, but Reagan had one thing going for him, he was an actor, and smart to know the skill of how to be liked. Reagan was a not a stupid man, but he was no Nixon in intellect, yet all Americans thought Reagan was a great president when I really thought he was a nothing-burger or he sucked. Reagan is the one who turned the US from a creditor nation into a debtor, in the attempts to defeat the Soviet Union via a arms build up. The USSR did disappear, but as we watch events in Europe, what a dummy Reagan was.

Bush the father said something that we probably can never find anywhere nowadays, was when the Berlin Wall fell, he asked his colleagues did they think it was over, this cold war crap, Bush the father did not believe it was. Bush the father was not that bad, he was pretty sharp, but Bush the son Dubya the dummy won two terms while his father a smart guy could only manage one. That is America for ya!

Anyways, they hated Nixon, they hated Reagan initially, they hated Dubya Bush, they hated Trump, but at Trump has given them a disease the TDS.



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maybe for the same reason Chechens attacked a theater in Moscow during the Chechen War. Who owns it is irrelevant.
Ukraine is state with long relations with Azerbaijan. A Jewish President and Tatar defence minister i dont they are that stupid. who owns have employees there like that Turkic boy. these are large ethinic businesses that runs on cheap labor of there own.
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The Indian rupee has been declining as long as I have been alive.

That is a staggering fact.

When a currency declines like that, I believe that no one believes in the country.

Not even its biggest boosters, who all live aboard.
most of percentage decline happened before Modi. and its Modi that India can afford to send so many students outsides. and there people can afford so much foreign real estate. this is free flow of capital. under Modi India finally gained the respect of Arabs. i dont think in history of India so many vehicles were brought to receive a foreign guest.



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I love his movie "Better Days" that was released in 2019. A story about bullying and love. Anyhoo, as for the 3 Body problem series on Netflix, I understand why it's been sanitized and made to cater towards western audience sensibilities which is to cast China in a bad light.

The focused on the Cultural revolution was emphasized, the showing of ecological destruction etc. are all subtle but effective in making people reinforce their already negative perceptions and belief on China. It's unfortunate, but that's done to avoid, comfort the America viewers and innoculate the produces, director (Netflix) from the inevitable attack from the loudest anti-China folks which unfortunately include a high number of Chinese ethnic groups. Like the HK losers, the Falun Gong losers, the CCP corrupt losers, criminals, Indian losers, Filipinos, Taiwanese etc....

If on the other hand the series was allowed to be shown in China and western media can make so much Xi bucks in the country, the western media company would have made the needed change to their "ARTISTIC FREEDOM."

I really don't understand why many of us get so vexed about this issue when we know already the reasons why.

Westerners and it's chihuahuas will use the scene of cultural revolution from the show as their education and expertise on all things Chinese (LOL) while the actual reality is that China is forging ahead in leaps and bounds trying to achieve its strategic goals and making them a reality one at a time. That's something that no amount of twitter ridicule can wish to erase.
One thing they got right was their portrayal of Ye Wenjie.

She's a perfect parallel of the crazy Chinese immigrants who fled to the West and hate China irrationally, even working with the enemy to attack their own homeland, except in the show they're working with aliens instead of Western governments.

Boo-hoo-hoo, too bad China today has the 2nd most powerful & state-of-the-art navy in the world, so you can keep crying about it.

UK is a joke. China should just ignore and decouple.


Junior Member
Boo-hoo-hoo, too bad China today has the 2nd most powerful & state-of-the-art navy in the world, so you can keep crying about it.


You give the UK elites too little credit. They know exactly what they're doing, conflict with China will distract the locals from domestic issues like being reverse-colonized. Then they pledge assistance to the vulnerable new immigrants and have them as a constituency to fight the natives as things grow worse as a way to maintain their grip on power. Divide Et Imperium.

It's pretty stupid in the long run. It is similar to how Wu Sangui tried to use the Manchus as political allies only for them to take over China.
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Internal document from RCMP is acknowledging the possibility of a violent revolution in Canada at some point in the future if present trends continue. Also, the current economic/social/political situation is projected to deteriorate further in the next 5 years

Honestly, I really don't know which idiot authorized this report to be made public. This could literally end up as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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