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Western music went from 30% of japan music billboard in 2008 to .30 % today

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I have hope for the younger Japanese, especially the young women had a few interactions with them seem more willing to except Japanese atrocious in China, and also see themselves as more Asian and more pro China than their parents and grandparents.


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Isn't this a good thing? Don't interrupt enemy when they mistake, It's better they underestimate China
Perhaps, but is it a good thing when they deny you and your children university placements and jobs on such discrimination? i would have forced Harvard et al to pay each asian applicant who got the marks but was turned away, I would have them pay each Asian applicant $500,000 in compensation, and since Harvard is just a hedge fund with a campus, I’m being quite lenient here.
This definitely has CIA fingerprints all over it, down to them practicing on CoD: modern warfare 2. It’s the kind of thing Anglo elites fantasize about.

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Bhutan-India relations, as Indian national hero and GOAT P.M. Modi visits Bhutan it's being touted by the best and brightest Indian pravda news reporter and your ever consistent anti-China demagogue, Palki Sharma touting this visit as yet another ANTI-CHINA alliance. Oh no, what is China to do? it's boots is shaking and trembling with fear.



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Another day, another butt-hurt Indian media for getting their wet dream and fiction that India is and will replace China's MEGA IMPORTANCE IN THE GLOBAL TRADE.

India Silicon Valley has already ran out of water before summer even began.

Authorities say 6,900 of the 13,900 borewells drilled in the city have run dry despite some being drilled to depths of 457 metres (1,500 feet).

Prasad said their housing society, like many others in Bengaluru, is willing to pay high costs for water, but even then it is hard to find suppliers.

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“Sometimes fights break out, there is a lot of arguing,” she said. “But what do we do? We need water. We are desperate.”

We get water once in 15 days and have to buy water on a daily basis,” said resident Kumkum

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Bhutan-India relations, as Indian national hero and GOAT P.M. Modi visits Bhutan it's being touted by the best and brightest Indian pravda news reporter and your ever consistent anti-China demagogue, Palki Sharma touting this visit as yet another ANTI-CHINA alliance. Oh no, what is China to do? it's boots is shaking and trembling with fear.

Bhutan is completely dominated by India. Its geography dictates it. Its on the other side of the Himalayas. If India takes over Bhutan and makes it another Indian state similar to Sikkim, is there anything China can do to stop it? I don't think so.

So, I do believe Bhtuan's independent status is only temporary. Bhutan is essentially at India's mercy.


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Another day, another butt-hurt Indian media for getting their wet dream and fiction that India is and will replace China's MEGA IMPORTANCE IN THE GLOBAL TRADE.

There is as wide a gulf between your average Indian and Chinese workers than there is between chimpanzees and Homo sapiens.

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anglo women are crass AF. Their jealousy of the superior, less hairy, neotenous, slim, Chinese female is readily apparent as their fathers and brothers lose world hegemony. My, my, however will these mediocre anglos navigate a world that no longer holds white Anglo supremacism to a premium?

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wanna know why the Netflix adaption of the three body problem sucks? This is why, it’s also why Mulan was butchered to death because Anglo America has a hate boner for Asian men.


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I have hope for the younger Japanese, especially the young women had a few interactions with them seem more willing to except Japanese atrocious in China, and also see themselves as more Asian and more pro China than their parents and grandparents.
This is destined to be a long process. And this must be based on a correct historical understanding.
When I see some Japanese people showing an unconscious obsession with Manchukuo while traveling in China, I don't think it's an opportunity for reconciliation now.
They made no secret of their views, claiming that Northeast China was built with the "assistance" of the Japanese.Then the Soviet "invasion" destroyed everything.
In the end, they always come to the conclusion that they should be grateful to their ancestors who "defended the country" during World War II.