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Junior Member
Tell me one thing he has done right as National Security Advisor. One friggin thing that has not blown up in his face like a tactical nuke. He would’ve done less harm if he played Civilization 4 all day instead of any actual work. At least that will help him brush up on his diplomacy skills.

P.S. Scenario of China-Russia-Iran triumvirate, a scenario considered too pessimistic and fantastic by Brzeziniski, not only became a reality under Sullivan’s watch but somehow Saudis/UAE are joining in as well. Do you think the shit show in the Red Sea would’ve happened without the Saudi-Iranian rapproachment in 2023? How do you fuck things up that badly? How????

He is not the worst. Put yourself in his shoes -- a comatose boss that is worse than useless. Infighting administration he cannot pull to walk in one direction. An incompetent Secretary of State that he has to take over that job -- China wouldn't even talk to Blinken now. So he cannot offer anything or deliver anything that he agrees to. Do you think he has any chance of doing anything worthwhile?

In this administration, people who want to do things has no power. Those with political power do things to preserve that power rather than risk it for public good. Essentially, everyone goes into political self preservation mode.


Registered Member
Tell me one thing he has done right as National Security Advisor. One friggin thing that has not blown up in his face like a tactical nuke. He would’ve done less harm if he played Civilization 4 all day instead of any actual work. At least that will help him brush up on his diplomacy skills.

P.S. Scenario of China-Russia-Iran triumvirate, a scenario considered too pessimistic and fantastic by Brzeziniski, not only became a reality under Sullivan’s watch but somehow Saudis/UAE are joining in as well. Do you think the shit show in the Red Sea would’ve happened without the Saudi-Iranian rapproachment in 2023? How do you fuck things up that badly? How????
One must wonder how these people, Sullivan Blinken, Lloyd and Biden have managed to get so much wrong and so quickly that it practically undid decades of progress the USA has made (if we can call it that) after the end of the Cold War in literally 3 years and we still have one more year to go. This could literally be the year that breaks the USA


Junior Member
Registered Member

I don't think that Iran will sit back and accept destroying their naval assets calmly in 2024. Maybe 10-20 years ago they would, but not now. Probably some US expensive, precious military hardware sitting all over the region will be hit, as well as oil transit completely disturbed.

Their 10 times overpriced weapons are already either in permanent maintenance, as they don't have skilled workers, but new ones aren't coming quickly due to poor industrial strength. This will hit them hard and destroy even their last single-digit chances against China.

The US has very good oil production and could in theory do something against incoming inflation, but the EU will be even more doomed. But, who am I kidding, there is no way the US can control their private sectors, they will also drown in inflation probably, adding more chaos.

It's crazy watching the implosion of a 250-year-old American empire from both inside and outside in real time. These are truly some crazy times. I think there is an 80% chance this might even be US's last election. The inner social/financial divisions have also reached a boiling point.

It is even crazier to think that the Western 500-year-long domination over the world is about to end in just a few short years. People just aren't aware of what crazy times these are.

After the US collapses, NATO and the EU are gone too, because their only point of existence is to manage American overseas imperial assets easily; Without the US, they have no purpose nor should exist by natural laws of geopolitics. They will be gone in the first 24 hours as well.


Registered Member
Jake Sullivan is the biggest dumb fuck in all of existence.
Sir, please. Be more mindful of your language.

Jake Sullivan is an exemplary human being, master of diplomacy, geopolitics, and analysis of world events who follows a 100-years long term strategy.
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The inexorable rise of Jake Sullivan​

“He’d literally just been in Oman for secret peace talks with the Iranians, and he managed to make it to this remote part of Mongolia,” said Reines, still floored by the feat seven years later. “So in the end he’s the only human being who went to 112 countries with Hillary. His capacity for work is just that annoying,” he joked in an interview, one of a dozen for this story.
All that work has clearly paid off: Sullivan, now 43, will be the youngest national security adviser in nearly 60 years when President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated in January — in what those who know him described as an almost-inevitable next step for a man who’s always seemed preternaturally older than his actual age.
After holding top positions at the State Department and in the Obama White House and playing a key role in negotiating the Iran nuclear deal, it’s clear Sullivan is “on the Benjamin Button track,” Reines said, referring to the F. Scott Fitzgerald character who is born into an old man’s body and ages backward. “He is the equivalent of at least a decade, if not two, beyond his biological years.”
“Looking back at everything he did during those years, it’s clear he’s always had a plan,” Rathke, now a lawyer in Cleveland who still counts Sullivan among her best friends, said in an interview.
The “major focus” of the Biden NSC’s work, at least initially, will be on beating the coronavirus pandemic and restructuring the NSC to make public health a permanent national security priority, Sullivan said. China will also be put on notice, he added.
The way you actually make sure this doesn’t happen again is by sending a very clear message to China that the United States and the rest of the world will not accept a circumstance in which we do not have an effective public health surveillance system, with an international dimension, in China and across the world going forward,” Sullivan said.

Jake Sullivan is a geopolitical grandmaster


Registered Member
To be fair, there is a history of state intervention in the economy dating back to at least Warring States -- buying essential resources such as grain when it's cheap and releasing it to the market when it's expensive.

That is not capitalism.

State intervention, is just that. It happens under capitalism. It happens under communism. It happens under socialism. It happens under feudalism. It happens all the time in India, non-stop.

Historically, capitalism did not come out of China, it came out of Europe.

Today, the capitalism practiced in China, very different from what capitalism was historically.

That is why some people, who are not Chinese, are really nervous and hate the Chinese.



Registered Member

I kid you not, but the other day, I actually found this clip on youtube, to post it somewhere, because that is exactly what those dummies are going through.

But it was not funny enough, so I did not post the movie clip.

This picture is rather funny though, lol.
