Miscellaneous News


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The US became the biggest LNG exporter at the cost of the entire EU industry collapsing if this war continues for a few more years.
Honestly, this and the record US oil production is probably good for China. It's in China's interest for US to remain/become Zeihan's wet-dream of soybean / oil / gas superpowa and left behind in the green energy / tech race.


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You misinterpreted what I said. I meant that a lot of African countries are better off than a certain super power in terms of food security and nutrition.

Africa and India are indeed quite close (neck to neck even), in most national developmental metrics India is way closer in development to Africa, than to China.

(Many countries in Africa are more developed than India, but there are also richer provinces in India).

Anyway, both the African continent and the Indian sub-continent have close population sizes and are way more fitting for comparison than China and India.

The biggest difference between the two is geography, and due to that India managed to emerge as a single nation, whereas Africa has many different nations.



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There have been reports that Japan's rescue and relief efforts at the recent earthquake-hit region has been rather lack-cluster at best.

It has been 2-3 days since the earthquake, and relief efforts by Japanese emergency services and JSDF still hasn't arrived in force? Not even emergency food-stocks for such events are available in sufficient volume?

Compare that to the responses to the earthquake at Gansu late last year, where emergency services and the PLA arrived at the disaster site within 12 hours of the earthquake together with sufficient relief efforts and resources:
Truly the people's army. I have to admit that videos of the PLA running away from those they rescued showering them with gifts always make me laugh.


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Putting all the various kinds of air force/air corps of the US aside - You know the military ranking listing is absolute sh1t when they ranked the Indian Air Force above the PLAAF, i.e. the Chinese Air Force - In 2024.

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Had the Funny Stuff Thread not been closed down, this would've been posted there instead.
That's it, Jai Hindia is now a confirmed supapowa, Xi is on suicide watch. Where's Pakistani air force though? I remember them humiliating the shit out of supapowa IAF back in 2019 when they shot down several jets with Indians later additionally shooting down their own helicopter to show off their supapowadness.


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So what you're saying is, Bharat/Indian ultra-nationalists are better than any other country's uber-nationalists? That would make you a Jai Hind...
People have lost it after Covid you got both Black and Whites claiming ownership of ancient Egyptian culture some saying they are descendants of aliens usually it used to be fringe nutcases but lockdown and subsequent economic woes seems to have pushed people over the ledge, Indians are simply just ahead of the curve stock up popcorn things are only going to get more weird


Senior Member
Almost every Chinese street food video I watch shows them wearing masks, caps and gloves while cooking in a kitchen that looks like its been cleaned frequently. Yet people will use that 1 video from almost 2 decades ago as proof of 'unclean Chinese'
It a the brainwashed masses in the west and their vassals like Australia. Even till today whenever Chinese imported food or ingredients into their own countries gets mentioned in forums those people still believe they are unsafe and warned others to avoid them etc by bringing up gutter oil or melamine milk from decades old food scandals. That’s how anti China propaganda has worked effectively. When their coporate media controls the narrative, they believe anything negative about China and hold on to them.
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Senior Member
People of our age already know for decades that Japanese and Korean domestic markets are as nationally exclusive as it gets in global trade. Koreans buy Korean cars and Japanese buy Japanese cars, while foreign cars are exception. So this kind of narratives from Japanese or Koreans are laughable.
Was gonna mention this. The Japanese should be the last people to accuse China of anything regarding patriotic consumerism. For decades Japanese almost exclusively bought Japanese cars and products made in Japan while shunning others. I want to laugh in their faces if they make any noises about other countries doing this. Koreans too.