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The only people who think China is the champion of climate change technology are on SDF.
MSM puts out stories like this
It is easy for developed countries to make this criticism, they already have fleets of nuclear reactors, deindustrialised to reduce electricity needs, or might simply be lucky to be able to tap green power sources. Furthermore, most stories will not mention that permits are not equal to guaranteed construction..

West is seen as climate change's champion...
This is the reality
US is heading towards a gas burning future for cars to avoid Chinese batteries and EV expertise, also putting tariffs on solar panels which actually increases potential catastrophic failure from grid attacks/overload
Germany is burning coal to avoid nuclear
Japan is avoiding wind for the military
Canada passes laws that ban single use plastics, but allows biodegradable plastics, but most municipalities do not compost these (not to mention all the pointless work companies put into creating these)

The reality is they control the media and make the "rules"

I literally had a laugh-out-loud moment when I first read that 60% of the EU's source of green energy is ... "Biomass" a.k.a burning wood. Apparently this reclass was done so they could meet the target goals for going green. Imagine the press outrage if China burns biomass and uses that to meet their emission targets?

Morally, the civilisation that bootstrapped themselves to first world status by raping (resources), pillaging and enslaving the world should now return the resources by uplifting lesser nations - not put in bs requirements for clean, expensive energy that is beyond the means of lesser income nations thereby further enslaving them to loans/tech to "first world" nations. But that's not how the world works and certainly not how our self appointed "leaders" of the "free" world would have us view the world eh?


Registered Member
Well, this is blatant corruption. Right in your face type

Nothing has changed since the Gilded Age, and in fact, it could be argued that the feudal robber barons of the Gilded Age where the capitalist factory owners also owned the shops and grocers where the workers had to buy their produce, is the true state of American governance.

No one should be surprised that Biden's counter to China's BRI he dreamt up at the G20 stretching from India through the Middle East to Europe was wholly dependent on BRI in linking everything in between. Before China entered Africa, the West saw Africa as just a place that received Western aid. They even criticized how China had a business relationship with Africa and not just handing out aid like they did (Snap picture of a Westerner pouring a bowl of porridge handing it to a starving child with an over-extended belly here!). Now the West is talking business and trade with African countries. Biden even sent someone as important as the Vice President to fly to Africa into a Chinese built airport and drive on a Chinese built road past Chinese built infrastructure to meet with Africa leaders to tell them to choose the US and turn their back on the Chinese. Just being liked by them and showing nothing for it is so much better a reward than what the Chinese offered.

“Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by Perkins details this wonderfully. The U.S. MO is to target and capture the elites of nations by bribing them with Ivy League positions and fostering old school ties between them and the scions of the Anglo Zionist elite. This is a practice similar to the sending of hostages from a vassal to their liege lord as a demonstration of fealty, where the hostages would grow up to become loyal satrapies of the liege lord.
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Stronkest EU pipeline destroyed by dragging anchor. Maybe that's why they had no problems with the idea that Nordstream 1 and 2 could be destroyed by 2 amateur divers on a fishing boat.
It would be comedy gold for the Chinese spokesperson to gaslight the europeans by saying the EU carelessly placed the pipeline in a place frequented by shipping and therefore the EU should pay for damages incurred onto the ship's anchor. Give the Anglo led west and its vassals a taste of its own medicine; you'll notice by their hysterics that they can't take what they dish out, especially when they went psycho at the hint that aristotle's works may have been plagiarised after years of character assassinating all of China's historic figures. Make no mistake, the West believes it needs a war with China to give itself a new western united identity.

This is what confuses me, the West, particularly the anglosphere and judging by 'netizens' on reddit, twitter, 4chan et al appear to wish for a war against China as a way to galvanise a sense of white wester identity and to give frustrated white anglo males an outlet for their perennial rejection from anglo society, yet out of all the opponents, they chose China.

China, the world's longest, oldest most continuous living civilisation; contemporaneous with the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians. Even judging by racist western 'race realist' standards, Sinitic East Asians would qualify as higher IQ, more civilised and therefore 'superior' to the same white supremacists who espouse such theories.

The only reason these western supremacists chose China as their rival is the same reason Indians chose China as a rival: It flatters themselves.
They seem themselves as China's equal as a civilisation, in fact the West wishes it was China judging by the recent outburst of 'Snowteps' on Twitter and by how they try to claim all Chinese inventions and advances as their own. For Indians, who were not even a united polity until the British organised the subcontinent around their railways to better pilfer the land, comparing themselves to China raises their stature amongst Anglos who have convinced themselves that the indians who loquaciously flatter them, will willingly fight and die for the white western order.


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Moderator - World Affairs
Jai Hinds: "Communist Chyna is imperialist! We must disintegrate Chyna!"

Also Jai Hinds:

They really got triggered at Africans laughing at Indian street food hygiene...
I am pretty sure that is a parody account. It's like a white supremacist masquerading as an Indian to shit on African people. He even says outright to eradicate the African race at one point...


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Apparently Nissan thinks it's a victim of racism by Chinese consumers because they ain't buying their cars... The US would love to adopt that narrative but then they would be guilty for blocking Chinese cars from being sold in the US. Maybe they can make a case that theirs is not racism but national security...
People of our age already know for decades that Japanese and Korean domestic markets are as nationally exclusive as it gets in global trade. Koreans buy Korean cars and Japanese buy Japanese cars, while foreign cars are exception. So this kind of narratives from Japanese or Koreans are laughable.

On the other hand, US is known for trade actions on foreign cars since Civic and Corolla started invading the US auto market in 80s. Back then it was Japanese comparative advantages. This time, China is turning the table of EV.

So I would argue that, any anti-Chinese-EV narrative from Japanese or Korean or American auto industries would actually become free advertisements for Chinese EV. The irony is that, auto industry is the number one industry of the capitalistic world, and the Chinese EV eco-system has reached the point of no return, i.e., overwhelming comparative advantages against the entire western auto industry. Let me put it this way: if and a big IF the west auto markets are closing to the Chinese EV, the net effect might outweigh the potential economic sanctions should China take back Taiwan. Therefore, the west would have to pick its poison between Chinese EV and Taiwan......


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