Lieutenant General
This could be very interesting. From a psychological point of view, of self-image.
The Europeans thought of themselves as being real strong when they went on that economic sanctions rampage against mother Russia.
Turns out the Europeans were actually quite weak in that contest they rigged up for themselves and only themselves to make themselves look good.
All impotent maneuvers.
Sooner or later that will sink in.
That is the reality of it.
The other point about all of this, it may or may not be relevant, besides this potential inner drama of self, inside the EU, the Chinese and Indian really could not give a crap about any of that. Their self-image is their problem, and not ours.
We got our own problems, thank you very much.
Oh, it’s actually far far worse than that. There have always been powerful factions within Russian who have always been pathetically pro-western. Basically their version of Hanjian who were desperate to be ‘accepted’ into the white master race club by the Anglos. Hence all the Russian soul belonging to Europe BS.
These factions were powerful, distributed and entrenched. So much so even Putin couldn’t do too much against them without risking serious internal upheaval and maybe even open conflict and civil war. Especially since these oligarchs parked the lion share of their assets abroad, where Putin couldn’t reach it, and with those stashed away trillions, even if Putin moved against them and wiped their influence out in all of Russia, they will always have a strong base to infiltrate back from.
But thanks to the idiocy of the west, these factions have been all but eradicated both domestically and abroad.
In Europe and America, much, if not most of the wealth frozen and seized by western authorities belonged to these pro-western Russian oligarchs, all but wiping out their nest egg power base abroad.
In Russia, the heavy handed propaganda war by the west was a true awakening movement for the overwhelmingly majority of Russian youth who were previously too naive and inexperienced in life to fall for wester propaganda. The die hards who are beyond redemption are now easily isolated and their capture and prosecution no longer creates martyrs as overwhelming public sentiment is not to cheer for the capture of traitors, instead it just just makes more penal legionaries for the western front.
The west has done more to help Putin awaken and unify Russia and fundamentally shift its allegiance eastwards than Putin could have ever managed by himself.
This is the biggest and most spectacular needless own goal yet by the Anglos. Ukrainian was absolutely a war of choice by the Anglos. All they had to do was leave it alone and it would have stayed the same for another hundred years as a buffer against Russia that could be turned into a battlefront at almost any time. But the west just couldn’t help themselves. They cannot leave potential rivals alone, even if they are weakened and no longer interested in being rivals to the west. Their continued existence is too much for the west to tolerate and they will always seek to utterly destroy or subjugate anything they don’t totally dominate.