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I didn't see much discussion of Xi's speech to business leaders and his American friends:
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Overall surprisingly conciliatory and sincere speech.
During my first visit to the United States, I stayed at the Dvorchaks in Iowa. I still remember their address—2911 Bonnie Drive. That was my first face-to-face contact with the Americans. The days I spent with them are unforgettable. For me, they represent America. I have found that although our two countries are different in history, culture and social system and have embarked on different development paths, our two peoples are both kind, friendly, hardworking and down-to-earth. We both love our countries, our families and our lives, and we both are friendly toward each other and are interested in each other. It is the convergence of many streams of goodwill and friendship that has created a strong current surging across the vast Pacific Ocean; it is the reaching out to each other by our peoples that has time and again brought China-U.S. relations from a low ebb back onto the right track.
I'm sure some will read this as weakness but to me it's a sign of maturity and humility that despite all the mudslinging and toxic rhetoric coming from Washington, despite China being in a more powerful position than ever before, Xi still delivers such a gesture of goodwill and sincerity. His overarching theme throughout the visit is to promote more people-to-people exchanges to better understand each other.


Registered Member
Dumb comment. US has an extensive history of interfering in South American countries affairs.
So the Russian election interference in the 2016 election was very effective and true as well? Lol come on man. The fact is, elections and democracy don't always provide the best solution in selecting leader(s) of any given country, least of all a basket case that's Argentina.

They tried the military dictatorship and they ended up losing badly when the said idiots went to war against the U.K. for the battle of Falkland Island ownership. Then, as their reward for extreme hubris and military incompetence, they were handed down leaders after leaders that were as corrupt as the one that got replaced; it didn't matter if the person was a leftist or rightist, they all kiss the same ring of corruption.

The people in Argentina, I would posit are simply tired of electing leaders that talk a good game, had sterling educational background etc. which have not delivered them anything substantial thar made their economic lives better. The one that just got elected maybe crazy to most of us outsiders, but he speaks the language and frustrations they feel that the newly elected president embodies.

If that clown further the country's demise then at least, they have no one else to blame but themselves and civil war for them ensues. Countries that want to play stupid games must win stupid prizes and let them suffer the consequences without any interference from a country like China. Let the Americans bear the costs of stabilizing a deadbeat country along with all the Latin American countries that want to ape Argentinas way.


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talk of diaspora was interesting. Overall pretty good quality.
Thanks -- this is an extremely helpful reference!!

Obviously an interesting and informed man...I always suspected the "India-hate" here to be misleading so I'm now going to find out what he sees in India.

Very interesting takes on China, too.


BRICS shouldn't have offered Argentina's membership in the first place. Although, Argentina not joining BRICS is a good thing. As for debts owe to China, that needs to work out but Argentina is a middle upper income nation so it is unlikely it could get off the hook.

As for the election, Argentinians have always had a poor choice of electing sensible leaders. However, they are desperate for a change. Although, Milei is the worst possible choice and he would destroy Argentina if most of his major policies were enacted.

But most of MSM in the West does support Milei and rally behind him even though they are not decisive factor in the election. For whatever reason, the West dislikes Peronists and doesn't mind supporting crazy leader to topple Peronists. Frankly, I want to see how quickly things would unravel.