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james smith esq

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Schindler's List is a work of mass media, not a scholarly work of history. Rejecting the film does not amount to denying Holocaust or any historical revisionism. Given Israel's ongoing weaponization of public sentiments on Holocaust to justify its atrocities, I see works of mass media designed to elicit strong emotional responses on the subject as harmful. History classes should of course continue to teach Holocaust as part of WWII history.

The same would apply to WWII Chinese history as well if China was to occupy Japan, mass murder Japanese civilians and invoke WWII history as a central part of the propaganda efforts.
Please excuse me for this, but: Schindler's List is a work of mass-multi-media capitalism, a contemporary evolution of print-capitalism, the insidious nature of which few fully discern.
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At first I was like what Chinese company is stupid enough to buy and hold on to US farmland in today's geopolitical climate?

Syngenta AG is a provider of agricultural
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, in particular
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with its management
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It is owned by
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, a
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Syngenta was founded in 2000 by the merger of the agrichemical businesses of
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, and acquired by
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(ChemChina) in 2017.

Then I looked further into it, and it looks like the company in question is neck deep with corporations in the Deep State:

ChemChina began as a small solvents factory called Bluestar Company (
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: 蓝星公司), founded by
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in 1984 with a 10,000-yuan loan. It later became China National Bluestar (Group) Company, a joint venture with the
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Ren is chairman of what The Economist has described as the "most dynamic globaliser among China's state enterprises".
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bought the Italian tire manufacturer
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in 2015 for $7.7 billion, and the German machinery maker
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for $1 billion, the biggest acquisition by a mainland Chinese company in
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, respectively.
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As of 2015,
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is ranked 265th among the
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Ren is listed in China's "Top 10 M & A Figures", "The Most Famous Entrepreneurs" and “CCTV Annual Economic Figures”. He was awarded the
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as chevalier (knight).
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When even US propaganda trash like The Economist is singing your praises, you know something very fishy is going on.

Here is the head of that company being buddies with Dr. Evil himself at the WEF

Anybody know more about this? Why is China still letting their state-owned enterprise be this close with US deep state entities?


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At first I was like what Chinese company is stupid enough to buy and hold on to US farmland in today's geopolitical climate?

Then I looked further into it, and it looks like the company in question is neck deep with corporations in the Deep State:

When even US propaganda trash like The Economist is singing your praises, you know something very fishy is going on.

Here is the head of that company being buddies with Dr. Evil himself at the WEF

Anybody know more about this? Why is China still letting their state-owned enterprise be this close with US deep state entities?
he's made his fortune by buying SOEs that were forcibly closed during the privatizations of the 1990's and keeping employees on state payrolls but employing them at his restaurant chain.


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It is Syngenta AG, and what is important about that, is that Syngenta was one of the world leading agricultural companies in that technology they had, and it was very big company. It was one of those gigantic farm companies, competing with those big American farming companies, like Monsanto.

It was a Swiss company, and the Chinese made a takeover bid, and bought it a couple of decades ago. Such a deal would not happen today.

So, Syngenta is owned by Chinese interest, but Syngenta is still kind of like a foreign company. When someone acquires a big company, they do not replace them with their own people. That is impossible. The company continues as is.

Look at what Elon Musk did when he acquired Twitter. He did not bring in his own people to replace everybody, that was impossible. He only fired the redundant workers.

Why the Chinese want to buy such big important companies in the West, is the same reason everyone wants to do it. You want access.

Elon Musk bought Twitter because he wanted access to the digital realm and make Twitter a all in one app like WeChat, and from that he could achieve a synergy in all his business interest.

This is big business, that is what this is a all about.

If the rules change, then the rules change.


In summary, that is business.

If it was a bad idea to buy one of the world's leading farm companies 20 years ago, well, that is not true. That was a good deal for the Chinese.

If the rules change, then the rules change.

If they knew the rules will change 20 years later, they still would have no hesitation to make that same deal 20 years ago.

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It said there in the article that Syngenta was acquired by the Chinese chemical firm in 2017, but I think it is a lot longer than that. Then again, I could be losing it?! Hope not!

What is interesting to me about this Syngenta story, is that this is American paranoia at work.

If Syngenta has to sell their land because of their Chinese connection, then people like Biden and Trump, should be in jail, with their Chinese connections. LOL.

But, that is America. They only know how to prey on the weak.

That is why the blacks hate the power. Fight the power. Because they always pick on the blacks. The Chinese are not singled out. That is just America.

America is not a land of justice. It is land of law and power.


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It is Syngenta AG, and what is important about that, is that Syngenta was one of the world leading agricultural companies in that technology they had, and it was very big company. It was one of those gigantic farm companies, competing with those big American farming companies, like Monsanto.

It was a Swiss company, and the Chinese made a takeover bid, and bought it a couple of decades ago. Such a deal would not happen today.

So, Syngenta is owned by Chinese interest, but Syngenta is still kind of like a foreign company. When someone acquires a big company, they do not replace them with their own people. That is impossible. The company continues as is.

Look at what Elon Musk did when he acquired Twitter. He did not bring in his own people to replace everybody, that was impossible. He only fired the redundant workers.

Why the Chinese want to buy such big important companies in the West, is the same reason everyone wants to do it. You want access.

Elon Musk bought Twitter because he wanted access to the digital realm and make Twitter a all in one app like WeChat, and from that he could achieve a synergy in all his business interest.

This is big business, that is what this is a all about.

If the rules change, then the rules change.


In summary, that is business.

If it was a bad idea to buy one of the world's leading farm companies 20 years ago, well, that is not true. That was a good deal for the Chinese.

If the rules change, then the rules change.

If they knew the rules will change 20 years later, they still would have no hesitation to make that same deal 20 years ago.

I mean, I have no qualms about Chinese companies buying up massive, global companies. Its just that companies that came out of mergers from
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, which are very much known to be up to dark stuff, that just gives me the heebie jeebies. Especially if the owning Chinese company lets them do whatever they've been doing as before without any changes. Is it just to let these companies keep making $$$ for the owners?


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It said there in the article that Syngenta was acquired by the Chinese chemical firm in 2017, but I think it is a lot longer than that. Then again, I could be losing it?! Hope not!

What is interesting to me about this Syngenta story, is that this is American paranoia at work.

If Syngenta has to sell their land because of their Chinese connection, then people like Biden and Trump, should be in jail, with their Chinese connections. LOL.

But, that is America. They only know how to prey on the weak.

That is why the blacks hate the power. Fight the power. Because they always pick on the blacks. The Chinese are not singled out. That is just America.

America is not a land of justice. It is land of law and power.
Yeah, I'm not too bothered about the recent US lawmaker paranoia making a brouhaha over "the China threat". It was probably a good deal businesswise back when it was made, like you said. I was just abit alarmed that the CPC would allow their SOE to be pretty deeply entertwined with basically some evil entities for lack of a better word.