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Registered Member
You forgot romania
True, I forgot the Balkan and Eastern descendants of Greece and Rome:

Armenia, Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania.

Also those influenced by them, like Ukraine and Russia.

The northern barbarians beyond the small part of Germany near the Rhine and south of Scandinavia only learned about civilization in the 1300s. Prior to that they were illiterate pagans.

Even though Rome controlled Britain, all the native British were conquered by Vikings and barbarians after Rome fell, and the barbarians were themselves later conquered by the Norman French.


"the engineer"
True, I forgot the Balkan and Eastern descendants of Greece and Rome:

Armenia, Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania.

Also those influenced by them, like Ukraine and Russia.

The northern barbarians beyond the small part of Germany near the Rhine and south of Scandinavia only learned about civilization in the 1300s. Prior to that they were illiterate pagans.

Even though Rome controlled Britain, all the native British were conquered by Vikings and barbarians after Rome fell, and the barbarians were themselves later conquered by the Norman French.
The Normans are viking. Normans are literally the bastardization of the word Northman, which are Vikings.


Registered Member
I mean we can do business with the descendants of the settled European civilizations of the Greeks and Romans: Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain and France.

Barbarian hordes who barely learned writing until the Middle Ages are just being propped up by Greek and Roman legacy.
No it’s even worse and pathetic. The ancestors of the Anglos who comprise the Five Eyes were considered barbarians by the romans and Greeks, and now they want to LARP as Roman’s and Greeks yet none of them speak Latin nor Ancient Greek and even worse, historically discriminated against modern Italians and Greeks. It’s like the Ghiscari trying to be their Valyrian conquerors in Game of Thrones or modern Jews with ancestry in Germany and Russia, trying to claim descent from ancient Israelites. Even modern hebrew is an artificial language devised by European rabbis who spoke a dialect of German called Yiddish, during the 19th century when nationalism was all the rage in Europe at the time.

Compare this to the values that a modern Chinese would have now compared to a Chinese from the Han dynasty; both practice filial piety, even have the same family shrines and the lighting of incense and read the same Classics in the same language and practice the same cultural values, science and medicine.

In contrast, the modern Anglo let alone modern westerner does not practice the paterfamilias Roman values of the roman era, they do not worship Roman gods, let alone exercise Roman values. Rather, their own ancestors were the equivalent of Indians today supporting Israel.

If you want to see modern Anglo led western values, it is this,

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Goldmans argument is that Israel’s mistake was not being feared. In this, he repeats Machiavelli‘s principle that it is better to be feared than loved and like a mirror, this is what prevents the Anglo led west from repeating 1840 to China again; fear of China actually prevents the predations of barbarians.


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Stuck in a tricky political situation? Resort to racism, never fails.

Governor says exposé article invalid because
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Governor Pillen called into KFAB radio during a
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-- and praised the Nebraska's immigrant support.
"Our history is really simple: We’ve had Japanese immigrants over 100 years ago that helped in agriculture, the railroad, and we are the most welcoming state in the country — the most pro-business state in the country, and we have products that we can compete with anybody in the world,” he said.
The exposé,
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, showed that 16 Pillen hog farms recorded perilous nitrate levels higher than 50 parts per million – five times higher than the safety limit.
When the governor was pressed to respond to Xu's article on the radio, he claimed he hadn't read it nor was he going to.
“Number one, I didn’t read it. And I won’t,” Pillen explained. “Number two, all you got to do is look at the author. The author is from communist China. What more do you need to know?”
Xu grew up in China but attended college in the U.S. "I was not expecting him to only address one thing: where I’m from.” she told news. "As a believer in democracy and a free press, it saddens me."
Multiple levels of hilarity here.