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Americas first high speed rail crashed on its first day and killed a pedestrian.
If I was as tasteless and classless as the Anglo media, I would be waxing lyrical about how this bodes ill omens for America’s economy epitomised by the corrupt Anglo American elites who have sinned mightily against god and thus, they have lost the Mandate of Heaven, the right to rule as their mythical god king, King Arthur once proclaimed, that the land and the king are one, so that Biden McConnell et Al being dementia addled reveals once more the breadth of gods anger. Repent!! Repent!!


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Americas first high speed rail crashed on its first day and killed a pedestrian.
If I was as tasteless and classless as the Anglo media, I would be waxing lyrical about how this bodes ill omens for America’s economy epitomised by the corrupt Anglo American elites who have sinned mightily against god and thus, they have lost the Mandate of Heaven, the right to rule as their mythical god king, King Arthur once proclaimed, that the land and the king are one, so that Biden McConnell et Al being dementia addled reveals once more the breadth of gods anger. Repent!! Repent!!
Local report on this crash that happened 3 days ago.



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This sounds more like a Gen Z attitude than a Millenial one, unless they‘re talkin’ ‘bout Millenials of the second-half of their generation (‘92 - ‘00). Or, maybe, it’s representative of early Z’ers and late Millenials (Millenial/Z cuspers).
I don't know man, my personal anecdotes for late Gen Zs (Singaporeans and at least) generally do not care about phone hardware specs, ease of software modifications or price as much and generally default to iPhones for the status symbol, user interface or product marketing.

Han Patriot

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Americas first high speed rail crashed on its first day and killed a pedestrian.
If I was as tasteless and classless as the Anglo media, I would be waxing lyrical about how this bodes ill omens for America’s economy epitomised by the corrupt Anglo American elites who have sinned mightily against god and thus, they have lost the Mandate of Heaven, the right to rule as their mythical god king, King Arthur once proclaimed, that the land and the king are one, so that Biden McConnell et Al being dementia addled reveals once more the breadth of gods anger. Repent!! Repent!!
It is a diesel train? 200km/h is only for certain portions and it is not operating speed, average speed is 100km/h, Chinese hsr average speed is 250 to 300 for 350kph class lines.


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I feel like all these whitepapers China released these two years are for the new post-(world) war order. Gotta spell out China's future vision to convince countries to join China's side.

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Full Text: A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions​

Local report on this crash that happened 3 days ago.

99 People have been killed by the brightline slow train (this was before the faster train came into service) since 2018. WTF is wrong with America?
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Americas first high speed rail crashed on its first day and killed a pedestrian.
If I was as tasteless and classless as the Anglo media, I would be waxing lyrical about how this bodes ill omens for America’s economy epitomised by the corrupt Anglo American elites who have sinned mightily against god and thus, they have lost the Mandate of Heaven, the right to rule as their mythical god king, King Arthur once proclaimed, that the land and the king are one, so that Biden McConnell et Al being dementia addled reveals once more the breadth of gods anger. Repent!! Repent!!

Preview to the so-called Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) rails.


Lieutenant General
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Twenty years ago when China was talking about creating its own technology standard, the West protested profusely. It was because it was a serious threat... to them. You don't think about it because it's pretty innocuous like nails. Making nails is not glamorous but the world needs nails to build things. By themselves it may cost a penny each to make but how about the billions upon billions of nails that are used every year? The nail industry is a $20 billion a year business in the US alone. Just think about how much the US makes because everyone uses their technological standard. China not using their standard means China doesn't have to pay them a licensing fee. And on top of that if they wanted to sell their electronics in China, the would have to pay China a licensing fee in order for it to work. Then add that Chinese electronics will dominate the world by the simple fact everything the West sells will be more expensive because everything they do costs more than for China to do therefore more expensive for the world to buy.

The West didn't develop places like Africa because they saw it as not profitable because they depend wholly on private industry to do those things. If it wasn't private, it was communism. That's why things like air conditioners and refrigerators were seen as only luxury items found in the West... until China came along. If Westerners were smart instead of having an elitist mentality, they should've saw the opportunity they could make things like air conditioners and refrigerators in China to open new markets in the global south. The Western business mentality is how much more can they charged before it hurts sales. In China they think how much can they charge before they don't make a profit. Because the West didn't bother to develop the global south but instead exploit it, they could've establish their standard upon them. Now China will.

All the West has left is counting on the dumb of the world thinking just being associated with them is something special. They don't want to say it out loud but they want to believe "white" is like a brand name. That's why you had Josep Borrel proclaim Europe was a garden while the rest of the world is a jungle. A drunk man's tongue is a sober man's mind. That's their weakness because it's not realistic. People don't want to be treated as less which is their deal to the world if they want the West to like them. All of the economies of the US's closest allies are doing badly because they have to do what the US tells them despite how it works against their own well-being.

Twenty years ago the West worked so hard to prevent China from going to its own standard. Now because they wanted to decouple from China, by default it's happening anyway. Yes there's a lot of opinion pieces in the Western media rethinking the US's ban on technology to China because they see the massive blowback coming but too bad they weren't inciteful enough to see this from the beginning. Now they're going to deservedly pay for it.