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Lieutenant General
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What is it with Chinese CEOs? It must be something cultural because they always have a conciliatory tone after Western accusations making them look weak and guilty. Do they think it garners them sympathy? No, it just tells them they can do it more doing the exact opposite of what Chinese think is suppose to happen. It's like the running joke when you see in the Western media saying everything the West does against China might hurt the Chinese people's feelings. All that does is encourage them to do it more because in Western culture it makes them look like they're ones in power and control. Their people like that.

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I remember when Huawei was being first attacked by the US, Ren Zhengfei was doing the same even after when his daughter was kidnapped by Canada and the US. Now Huawei is making the US look like fools with its semiconductor breakthrough. No sucking up to the West necessary because they didn't relent and look at what Huawei accomplished. I even know the US will never ease up until you beat them. That's why this Asian acceptance of a lesser position just as long as they're higher than everyone else doesn't work, i.e. being a sycophant and teacher's pet. Even Westerners know that Asians sucking up to them can change on a dime depending whose wind blows stronger hence why they'll always pull out the loyalty card against Asians.

I know to weak Chinese it's counter intuitive to seek to upset Westerners when they want to be accepted by them. The fact is if you give an inch making them feel like they're in a superior position, they want to take it all. The only way you make people who think like that to think twice is by making it clear how much they alone are going to lose. That's why you're seeing Westerners thinking twice over their technological Cold War because of Huawei's breakthrough. They're going to lose it all if they keep trying to stifle China's technological advancement. China will have its own standard that will takeover because everything the West does cost more than for China to do. And then they'll be ones that have to pay for their technology to work on China's standard. And on top of that China will be able to tell countries not to do business with the West because they're using Chinese technology like the West is doing to China right now.


Registered Member
What is it with Chinese CEOs? It must be something cultural because they always have a conciliatory tone after Western accusations making them look weak and guilty. Do they think it garners them sympathy? No, it just tells them they can do it more doing the exact opposite of what Chinese think is suppose to happen.

Not sure about anyone else but the public comment seems about as average as every other CEOs of large companies around the world. Especially companies that are publicly traded where any statement could have a material impact on the company.


Lieutenant General
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Pardon if this was posted already.

I'm sure you'll hear the US and Weak Britain upset at this news. Afterall Americans think their children learning Chinese in school is tantamount to brainwashing hence why there have been protest by parents at schools that have added learning Chinese as a part of their curriculum which means why it's so important to them that the rest of the world speak English because they're brainwashing people. That's why there's a movement to remove Chinese language being taught in US schools or defund schools that refuse. Some will say it's paranoid to think that learning Chinese is brainwashing. Well it is to the most extreme sense of it. To learn and know a language means there's an interest and a sympathy to the culture of the language. The US doesn't want any sympathy to a non-Western culture because that's woke. They want their children to hate. They don't want people to get to know one another. Look at the criticism for Western expats that speak Chinese that have YouTube channels by the Western media. They speak Chinese and says nice things about China so they must be brainwashed.

james smith esq

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What is it with Chinese CEOs? It must be something cultural because they always have a conciliatory tone after Western accusations making them look weak and guilty. Do they think it garners them sympathy? No, it just tells them they can do it more doing the exact opposite of what Chinese think is suppose to happen. It's like the running joke when you see in the Western media saying everything the West does against China might hurt the Chinese people's feelings. All that does is encourage them to do it more because in Western culture it makes them look like they're ones in power and control. Their people like that.

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I remember when Huawei was being first attacked by the US, Ren Zhengfei was doing the same even after when his daughter was kidnapped by Canada and the US. Now Huawei is making the US look like fools with its semiconductor breakthrough. No sucking up to the West necessary because they didn't relent and look at what Huawei accomplished. I even know the US will never ease up until you beat them. That's why this Asian acceptance of a lesser position just as long as they're higher than everyone else doesn't work, i.e. being a sycophant and teacher's pet. Even Westerners know that Asians sucking up to them can change on a dime depending whose wind blows stronger hence why they'll always pull out the loyalty card against Asians.

I know to weak Chinese it's counter intuitive to seek to upset Westerners when they want to be accepted by them. The fact is if you give an inch making them feel like they're in a superior position, they want to take it all. The only way you make people who think like that to think twice is by making it clear how much they alone are going to lose. That's why you're seeing Westerners thinking twice over their technological Cold War because of Huawei's breakthrough. They're going to lose it all if they keep trying to stifle China's technological advancement. China will have its own standard that will takeover because everything the West does cost more than for China to do. And then they'll be ones that have to pay for their technology to work on China's standard. And on top of that China will be able to tell countries not to do business with the West because they're using Chinese technology like the West is doing to China right now.
The best time to slap the sh!t out of a bully is while he’s trying to bully you!

james smith esq

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Pardon if this was posted already.

I'm sure you'll hear the US and Weak Britain upset at this news. Afterall Americans think their children learning Chinese in school is tantamount to brainwashing hence why there have been protest by parents at schools that have added learning Chinese as a part of their curriculum which means why it's so important to them that the rest of the world speak English because they're brainwashing people. That's why there's a movement to remove Chinese language being taught in US schools or defund schools that refuse. Some will say it's paranoid to think that learning Chinese is brainwashing. Well it is to the most extreme sense of it. To learn and know a language means there's an interest and a sympathy to the culture of the language. The US doesn't want any sympathy to a non-Western culture because that's woke. They want their children to hate. They don't want people to get to know one another. Look at the criticism for Western expats that speak Chinese that have YouTube channels by the Western media. They speak Chinese and says nice things about China so they must be brainwashed.
Anglo Exclusion Act, next!