White western detractors are so disingenuous, especially those in the anglosphere.
Any Asian citizen in these nations will automatically sense the solidarity amongst any white caucasoid person against coloured peoples- that isn’t present in day europe. To their credit, Europeans discriminate against non natives like Norwegians discriminating against Iraqis and poles alike as opposed to the anglosphere which tries to create a pan white racial class like apartheid based on white privilege.
For eg, here in Australia, a British, Irish or American Anglo caucasoid can get a six figure job without any technical qualifications that an asian man would need a minimum Masters degree; the many Anglo project managers on 150k USD testified to this fact.
Wang Yi is rightfully pointing out that since the globalised Europeans who adopt an Anglo American culture such as the EU bureaucrats are siding with the Americans on race lines, that East Asian nations like Korea and Japan better wake up and get with the program that this alien race (American imperialism in Asia) is intent on enslaving and destroying Asians