comments by former Australian ambassador Raby on how China will win without ever firing a shot.
This Australian ambassador said Chinese elite want to study English to be part of US consumer culture. I havent research it but it could be true just looking travel or business. even Singapore is West. but he certainly lacks understanding of Current Russia.
see this sensors from Russia Dagestan to Uzbekistan.
This looks minor business but few years back Putin went to Dagestan for 2000 anniversary of Derbent where he talked with them about fundamental and applied sciences. some cultures may not like giant factories or big markets right in front of there cultural and religious sites instead science and small business fit them. now after Wagner he went again to Dagestan.
These people were the backwater of Soviet union despite producing the heros that went all the way to Berlin.
Putin is using this part of population to reshape society and be the face of Russia. and religion is part of governance model. This has greatly solved demographic problem and society has disposable income that is not reflected in GDP per capita. this policy success can be seen from Arab interaction with Russia. When wealth goes beyond certain point than you really spend money on renovating Castles, Villas, parks, diversity in food and visual looks of natural background as far eye can see in new places like Crimea. I would even call Ukraine conflict part of luxury that only wealthy society can afford it long term.
Why not ask Putin for help? Russia closer to France geographically.
France is even closer to North Africa and Arabs are now power full enough to manage Western Europe. Russia only interest is in Eastern EU and only to extent to prevent them from working in Germanic factories.