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Five Eyes will never let the West have quantum encryption. They can't even tolerate end-to-end right now.

Leaked Government Document Shows
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The country's officials said it is “imperative that we have access to the data.”

Mad lad really dun it!!

Uganda’s President Finally Signs Anti-Gay Bill Into Law​

President Yoweri Museveni decrees life imprisonment for anyone convicted of homosexuality.
White westerners only have themselves to blame, namely because they forced Africans to convert to Christianity, hence the anti homosexuality legislation and also because their ruling class are comprised of pederasts and homosexual zealots.
i’d like to see the US send an openly gay ambassador to Uganda and get promptly deported.


Junior Member
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White westerners only have themselves to blame, namely because they forced Africans to convert to Christianity, hence the anti homosexuality legislation and also because their ruling class are comprised of pederasts and homosexual zealots.
i’d like to see the US send an openly gay ambassador to Uganda and get promptly deported.
I'm sorry but this is not correct. Africans have always viewed homosexuality as an abomination and many ethnic groups and clans outlawed the practice in their various homelands. This narrative that westerners are to blame for African anti-gay legislation is not true, Africans are not thoughtless drones that need someone else to think for them.


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Erdogan's win is a net positive for the multipolar order. His rival openly tried to align himself with the US before the 2nd round. Erdogan is a pragmatist. His economics is a bit stupid but I don't think Turkey will collapse like Lebanon or Sri Lanka. Geopolitically, he's savvy, trying to balance the major powers.
This is nothing new, this balancing act is Turkey's inheritance from the very beginning of the Ottoman Empire's stagnation and downfall. Even in the days leading up to WW1 the Ottoman government tried to stay neutral and Ismet Inonu's efforts of staying neutral while being sandwitched between 3 Major Powers is a widely known success.


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Lindsey Graham now saying the clip of him proudly stating that “dead Russians is the best investment” is propaganda lmao. Cover your eyes, cover your ears, even squeeze your nose shut. This is the same guy who called for assassinating Putin.

US senator denies calling Russian deaths ‘a good investment’​

Lindsey Graham lashed out at “Russian propaganda,” even though the edited clip of his meeting with Zelensky was provided directly by Kiev

US Senator Lindsey Graham has disputed Russian criticism of comments he allegedly made during a recent trip to Kiev. A video published by the Ukrainian president’s office appeared to show Graham applauding Russian deaths, but the senator has now suggested that “Russian propaganda” is to blame for the controversy.

The video, which was posted by Kiev on Sunday, shows Graham meeting with President Vladimir Zelensky and discussing US military assistance to Ukraine. At one point in the clip, Graham can be heard saying: “The Russians are dying. It’s the best money we ever spent.” The phrases are separated by an editing cut.

The quote quickly drew strong backlash from Moscow, with Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stating that “it is difficult to imagine a greater shame for a country than having such senators.” Former President Dmitry Medvedev called the 67-year-old Republican an “old fool.” Russia’s Interior Ministry has issued an arrest warrant for Graham, while the head of Russia’s Investigative Committee, Aleksandr Bastrykin, has also called for a criminal case to be opened over the senator’s remarks.

However, in a written statement to Reuters, Graham dismissed the criticism and lashed out at what he called the “Russian propaganda machine.” The senator explained that what he told Zelensky was that “it has been a good investment by the United States to help liberate Ukraine.”

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Registered Member
Lindsey Graham now saying the clip of him proudly stating that “dead Russians is the best investment” is propaganda lmao. Cover your eyes, cover your ears, even squeeze your nose shut. This is the same guy who called for assassinating Putin.

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This double speak annoying, he should just own what he says and have the decency to be put onto a future hit list from Russia to that he and the rest of his family can feel the same kind of terror that a lot of people would feel when they are put into a Ukrainian hit list that the USA proudly supports. I mean the USA is proudly sponsoring terrorism so in the future each and every American life ought to be given the same value of being in a kill list should everything one day catch up to them. As for Ukraine, will that nation ever know peace now that they are giving incentives to many nations (non western) for the nation to simply disappear give how naked its desire to kidnap and murder others is to everyone with a brain


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Philippines, U.S., Japan coast guards to hold first joint drills​

This week's trilateral maritime exercise to bolster interoperability, Manila says.

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Quotes from the article:

MANILA -- The coast guards of the Philippines, U.S. and Japan will hold their first-ever joint maritime drills later this week, as the security partners step up cooperation in the face of Beijing's aggressive moves in the South China Sea.

The exercise will take place from Thursday to June 7 and will include drills in waters off the Bataan Peninsula on the Philippines' main Luzon Island.
The US, Japan, and the Philippines, all gathering near Bataan. The irony if it all. Not too long ago, Joe Biden was talking about protecting Japan with Nukes in Hiroshima. Why does the US enjoy selecting these places to do stuff with its Stockholm-syndrome afflicted minions? Some sort of gangster-like blackmail-powerplay hybrid?

"It has nothing to do with what's going on in the West Philippine Sea," Balilo said, using the Philippine term for a body of water that Manila says is part of its 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone and overlaps with China's expansive "nine-dash line" claim.
Off course its got nothing to do with the "West Philippine Sea", because it doesn't exist. Do that in that part of the SCS, and you're gonna get some real heat from China. The US and Japan are not gonna risk their necks for you to forcefully rename waters that China claims. Just look at how the US is 'helping' Ukraine reclaim Crimea. Now that dream looks more distant than it was in 2014. Become the US's useful idiot, win idiot prizes.


Lieutenant General
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It's called digging yourself into a hole. You can stop selling advanced technology to China but selling products that aren't advanced technology can be just as important to the US because money is money. And what is considered advanced technology to the US? Anything that cannot be obtained someplace else meaning China can choose to buy from someone other than the US and Americans make zero money. The US is in panic because China can buy from somewhere else that the US was depending would continue on as business as usual.

What "trade breakthrough" are they talking about? You mean like how the US expects China to fulfil the phase one deal with Trump that had everything to do with China buying US agricultural goods? What was China getting out of the phase one deal? Maybe the US will think about removing Trump era tariffs on China? Why waste your money on an antagonistic country when you can get it from someplace else. There is nothing that prevents China from doing that unless the US starts removing tariffs.

Just like how Trump thought China would unconditionally surrender day one of his trade war, the US thought it can win in a game of chicken so they gambled on biting something more than the US could chew. And something they thought was so simple is ending up costing them something so unimaginable before... their entire status in the world is being upended. All because the world sees an alternative from the US. The US is in panic on China not buying the non-advanced technology stuff from the US is a bird in the coal mine. So is the world abandoning the dollar. So is countries negotiating with each other without the US. The US new narrative that they're putting out their in the media is Russia and China putting out propaganda that the US is a bad partner for anyone in the world. You don't need Russia or China actively charging that for the world to see. It is a fact that the majority of the world doesn't see the Ukraine War as important as the West sees it. That has gotten the West angry where the West was threatening "economic coercion" on the world if they don't step in-line with the West. The West charged countries are supporting war crimes by buying Russia oil when they were buying Russian oil more than everyone else. That's why so many countries are looking to dump the dollar. You can't reason with that hypocrisy. That's why they're changing their tone with the Global South. What's more of a sign that they recognized they've gone too far? Having to remove US conditions on trade with China in removing tariffs or else China will just buy from somewhere else.