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Registered Member
Ok, his accounts blocked, but his juniors still can communicate.

Look at the Fxxking way they still trrying to have sleeking remark against China. yeah, "Mao would be proud".

No wonder, China has "poor image". here's the proof, even when it has nothing to do with China, China will get put on the spot in a bad way. Where's @gadgetcool5 when you want him. it's this proof enough for you?


"He guy who made that video is a Japanese communist."



"Can't help but this sounds like a conspiracy. It will get more interesting if it turns out national guard is siding with Trump."

@plawolf Wofie could be on to something here.


"1:34, found the one who smeared shit."

you're such a badass! ;):D
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Registered Member
Man, RT is really twisting the knife
View attachment 67288

They're calling it the "January Revolution".
RT is rephrasing a famous saying by Mao Zedong in the 1940s (1945 perhaps).
In Mao's work "On People's Democratic Dictatorship", he stated "The Chinese people learnt Marxism through the Russians. Chinese not only has no knowledge of Lenin, Stalin, but also Marx and Engels. The one canon shot of October (Russian calendar) Revolution brought Marx-Leninism to us."


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Registered Member
From Xinhua reader comment "US has exported so much of democracy that US doesn't have anything left. HYPOCRISY is the only thing left in US."


I guess you must have missed my post on the funny thread about exporting democracy then. No they haven't run out of democracy. It's all the restriction on travel from US.

Sorry for the report. But it's relevant here.
