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Financial Times: How Zelenskyy upstaged G7 summit to confront Ukraine doubters

Ukrainian president defies host Japan’s expectations by timing attendance to ambush Brazil and India.

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Did not realized that Macron was hosting the G7 Summit in Hiroshima. Flying Elenski to Hiroshima on French plane and making meeting arrangements on behalf of Elenski. Japan Kishida has been relegated below France in the American Totem pole rule of order.

US: Japan will be natofied and Kishida Japan will like it.
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Registered Member
The fate of countries, peoples that choose to blindly aligned themselves with the most loyal, honest, and ethical country of all time, America. I hope it does not happen to Ukraine or with Taiwan.

Well, looky looky:
One country did, however, provide some relief. Two weeks into the war, the Chinese Embassy
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for visa applicants to retrieve passports.


Lieutenant General
China is building infrastructures and promoting peace, trade, and common prosperity all over the world. Conclusion:
China poses the 'biggest challenge of our age to global security and prosperity'.

Rather than being a moment of idiotic doublespeak, this is actually a mask off moment for the west. Because China is the biggest ever challenge to western prosperity. Because the west has chosen to build its own prosperity on the foundation of exploitation and subjugation of the rest of the world through the triple lock of technology, finance and culture. With raw military might as a safety should the soft tools fail.

The west was supposed to monopolise high technology that can command incredible premiums, where all the poors of the coloured world needs to work like literal slaves for years to afford a trinket made by the blessed hand of the white man, who in turn gets to live like kings for doing bare minimum work, and the poors would think that a blessing from the white man because the western MSM told them so.

There would be no risk of the coloureds learning the secrets of their ‘betters’ since they are genetically inferior. Even if a ‘statistic anomaly’ coloured with ‘abnormally high IQ’ managed to go beyond their station and figure out how something worked, there was no chance of their country having the finance to take advance and build a competitive industry to challenge the market position of their western competitors, who can buy out the upstart or just bleed it into oblivion with predatory pricing tactics.

And for a sickeningly long time, that’s how it worked. Your average lowly western factory worker and cleaners can afford white picket fence houses doing 9-5 hours while millions starved in India and Africa and China.

China is the Prometheus of the modern time, who ‘broke the rules’ by ‘stealing’ the white man’s ‘fire’, and is daring to share that with the rest of mankind. That is threatening the nice ratchet the west had created for itself, which is why they are now trying to gang up and go to war with China as their final throw of the dice.


Registered Member
The west was supposed to monopolise high technology that can command incredible premiums, where all the poors of the coloured world needs to work like literal slaves for years to afford a trinket made by the blessed hand of the white man, who in turn gets to live like kings for doing bare minimum work, and the poors would think that a blessing from the white man because the western MSM told them so.
The PRC are enlightened enough to know the corrupting effects slavery has on a society, for eg citizens might be turned off from doing necessary work if it is performed by slaves, deeming it “slave work”, thusly westerners shun the trades and want to go into white collar jobs and ironically become enslaved with insurmountable student debt and bs jobs.

Based on my own xp, Anglo American workers are big talkers but lack the grit to do any meaningful work required to pull a company through. Even worse, when they are shown to be lacking, they whine about failing to meet expectation. The anglosphere is leading humanity into a new dark age.


Registered Member
The PRC are enlightened enough to know the corrupting effects slavery has on a society, for eg citizens might be turned off from doing necessary work if it is performed by slaves, deeming it “slave work”, thusly westerners shun the trades and want to go into white collar jobs and ironically become enslaved with insurmountable student debt and bs jobs.

Based on my own xp, Anglo American workers are big talkers but lack the grit to do any meaningful work required to pull a company through. Even worse, when they are shown to be lacking, they whine about failing to meet expectation. The anglosphere is leading humanity into a new dark age.
Zhou defeated the Shang because the Shang lost the mandate of heaven. They had human sacrifice, slavery and torture. When they whipped their slave armies to resist the Zhou, the slaves joined the Zhou instead. The last Shang king died as his palace crumbled in flames all around him.

If Shang survived, China would not be China today, since the Zhou introduced many new ideas of equality, including all of the philosophies of Confucius, Mencius, etc. It can be argued that if not for the fall of Shang, China would be still be a dark age.


Registered Member
You're clinching shit in your skull pretending it's a brain.

You are stupid. It's cheap.
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Also, Mexican per capita PPP (if you even know what that is) is about $23K, while it is about $80K in America. And if you answer with that the cost of living is lower in Mexico, this it shows that you don't know what PPP is or that it was made to already consider cost of living.
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You article specifically states that Americans going to Mexico for dentistry do it because it's cheap, not because it's better or the same. I do have confidence that they can do routine procedures well, since they do them all day long and would be killed by angry customers if they messed up. But that's the same for all countries with a functioning government. Dentistry skill is the hard power of the dentist.

First, I already showed that about 600K in 1.6M are Mexican. Secondly it doesn't matter. I didn't pick Mexico to shit on Mexico. I chose Mexico as just an example of people being attracted to American hard economic power. No matter who they were, from Colombia, Ecquador, Costa Rica, Honduras, my point is still proven that people come for economic reasons, not soft power.

No, they answered "Economic reasons," not fleeing from the law. Literacy is a requirement for debate.

No, FDI increase is not the point at all. FDI increases can be for any country with good prospects, but still far away from having the economy and quality of life of a developed advanced economy.

Paying money to hire air traffic controllers is not soft power. Your main problem is that you don't know what soft power is at all, and you obviously have no idea what qualifications a country needs to be considered powerful or competent.

An air traffic controller costs 37K MXN or $2,100 USD per month in Mexico. Any Walmart costs more to run.
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You ask me for data when I say something but you make up random nonsense like this?

I got the idea from the fact that Mexicans max out the US quota every year and the ones that don't get a spot try to enter illegally against American armed border patrol.

Vacation =/= work/immigration.

Economic strength is hard power. Lower debt does not indicate strength if comparing to a much larger economy by nominal and PPP measures.

Ahhhh, that's right. The mightiest power next door. That's the point. The hard economic power disparity is what's causing Mexicans to go to America.

No, you think before you speak, if you're capable. Because I already said that Mexico is not the point. I just picked a situation where hard power disparity causes immigration and that's all there is to it. I don't hate Mexico and I don't think it is a shitty country in the world. Because you lost track of the conversation, you thought my point was to shit on Mexico when it is to demonstrate hard power over soft power in immigration.

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""The number of Mexican immigrants with a bachelor’s degree or higher grew from 269,000 in 2000 to 678,000 in 2017""

That's a very unique definition of "strong" used by nobody except you.

Tripled the numbers. Whatever they majored in, bachelor's degree is generally skill labor. Here's for tech:
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You ask for numbers increasing, and I show you they almost tripled. Then you say it's a drop in the bucket... at 5%. You're just making up what that means. As long as more than 50% of Mexicans are in Mexico, you can claim some bullshit about drop in the bucket.

I understand it's theory but it has no results. You can say anybody has or doesn't have soft power because you have no definition of it, neither can you show what the "soft power" brought them. They have nothing to show for their imaginary "soft power" except more imaginary "soft power."

European heritage? Biden vs Trump? Trump is the one with German heritage.

So in your deranged imagination, what actions/how did Germany influence the US election? How are they controlling NATO/EU? Cus I see them having absolutely no influence, mostly being forced to give up their own things/interests.

They got out-competed by hard cash/subsidies. End of story, no soft power.

Data that Russians died? Go the the Ukraine thread and see how many Russians died. Everybody has a number, but unless that person is a mentally challenged one like you, that number is not 0.

Yeah, cus too many Russians died.

That is true, but it wouldn't have to be if they were strong enough to hold and take more. Lack of hard power is the issue.

No, that's actually done. The useful part, proving that Western banks can't be trusted, is done and the USD is falling in usage. Russia can just finish up and win now if they're capable.

Everything you say is retarded. If I gave that statement to my bank, they would ask what resource management/long term investment plan I'd like during the years I'm institutionalized and require my legal caretaker to sign for me.
this long back and forth is cluttering but you seem convince on Hard power and not appreciating Soft Power.
Mexico population has increased over 5 times since post world war Period while US population has increased a little over twice including increasing share of Hispanic. if this trend continue Mexico grab more business than Mexico will be the dominant economic power in USMCA and this will translate into Soft Power of Hispanics inside US. it is the Soft Power of demographics driving the hard power of economics which is driving soft power. Mexico already bought Texas Shell Refinery. so it is not like only US is investing in Mexico. Mexico is part of OPEC+ but not OPEC but recently OPEC SG visited Mexico so I am sure Arabs are paying attention to US demographics as Arabs have investments and buy aviation products made in America south. The rest of stuff is too complicated.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
China is the Prometheus of the modern time, who ‘broke the rules’ by ‘stealing’ the white man’s ‘fire’, and is daring to share that with the rest of mankind. That is threatening the nice ratchet the west had created for itself, which is why they are now trying to gang up and go to war with China as their final throw of the dice.
Absolutely right.

Yet, the Europeans are finding that their supposed ally, the USA, is harvesting them from behind without remorse. At this rate, Europe will become as impoverished as Africa before the war with China even begins. For them, it has become a lose-lose situation with no way back to the comfy arrangement they had before.

The examples of Hungary and Russia are showing the Europeans a way out. Throw in with China, renounce your imperialist identity, and you may yet find a prosperous place in the New World Order as the token "reformed whites".


this long back and forth is cluttering but you seem convince on Hard power and not appreciating Soft Power.
Mexico population has increased over 5 times since post world war Period while US population has increased a little over twice including increasing share of Hispanic. if this trend continue Mexico grab more business than Mexico will be the dominant economic power in USMCA and this will translate into Soft Power of Hispanics inside US. it is the Soft Power of demographics driving the hard power of economics which is driving soft power. Mexico already bought Texas Shell Refinery. so it is not like only US is investing in Mexico. Mexico is part of OPEC+ but not OPEC but recently OPEC SG visited Mexico so I am sure Arabs are paying attention to US demographics as Arabs have investments and buy aviation products made in America south. The rest of stuff is too complicated.
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Does the book fair have anything to do with the discussion? Asking because I have not been following closely.