Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Protestors are roaming inside the US capital building unrestricted. If this was Antifa, these hypocrites would be crying bloody murder.
Exactly because their own kind they didn't do anything even desecrating the Capitol hill the symbol of democrazy and rule of law now reduced to mob rule and dictator like hitler who resort to this kind of mob rule.Yup make those holywood propaganda of "rule of law" and "majority rule" "soft power" a mockery.

Right if this black crowd they will mowed down those rioter


Lieutenant General
Exactly because their own kind they didn't do anything even desecrating the Capitol hill the symbol of democrazy and rule of law now reduced to mob rule and dictator like hitler who resort to this kind of mob rule.Yup make those holywood propaganda of "rule of law" and "majority rule" "soft power" a mockery.

Right if this black crowd they will mowed down those rioter

Yes the response would've been more immediate and brutal if it were anyone else. It's like their mindful of their right to protest.


Lieutenant General
China's Foreign Affair's officers should take this advantage and said to the American government (those that supported HK rioters) to respect the grievances of those protesters/rioters that stormed the Capitol.

Ya smell that (taking a big deep breath)? It's called Karma in the air.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Before the riot, the speaker of the rally encouraged Trump supporter to spread covid to each other.
"I'm going to give everyone three action steps ... turn to the person next to you and give them a hug. Someone you don't know ... it's a mass-spreader event! It's a mass-spreader event!"

Heck! This gonna hike the covid case later. Poor those medical workers.