my stocks falling xd
The democrats didn't win. They stole the senate! Lol
my stocks falling xd
I know this is much overused now. But I can't help saying it.
"What a beautiful sight"!
I'm afraid not, it could get out of control easily. For those of you who are in Washington DC please be extra careful. And also those who in any other places in US for that matter.
It's not funto get yourself being lynched by those groups of people just for being what you are.
I'm afraid not, it could get out of control easily. For those of you who are in Washington DC please be extra careful. And also those who in any other places in US for that matter.
It's not fun to get yourself being lynched by those groups of people just for being what you are, and being at wrong place at wrong time..
US is an absolute jungle. I’m in California, moving to Texas in a few months, and then after that state gets ruined (probably in 1-2 decades) it’s gonna be sayonara for me.
There are literally homeless camps in Beverly Hills, right off of Wilshire. Just introduced after the BLM riots mid-2020. Cops too afraid to do anything. Open season on Rodeo Drive. This place is done.
Beverly hills has more problems than just homeless camps. Few days ago there were organized looting.
In LA, there are a lot of confrontations between covidiots and others. If you on Twitter, it would be good idea to follow some reporters who actually report on the ground. Someone like this,
This is going on for sometime. But don't know where to put this.
So here goes.
You just got to wonder what did the U.S. promised to get Tsai to back down.
View attachment 67186
"Harder daddy!"Total Brainfart.
Why would Taiwan accept US pork containing ractopamine when Taiwan's hog farmers are prohibited from using ractopammine.
If one wonders what would have happened if China didnt defend itself and fight against US hybrid/covert war against China and just placated the US with Plaza Accord concessions and other kowtowing to get on America's good side, to "be a normal country", "make friends" and all that b.s., well this would be the outcome.... the US would never be satisfied and would simply smell blood and keep squeezing until there was nothing left of China"Harder daddy!"