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Registered Member
It’s hilarious how out of touch their propaganda BS is. Yeah sure, China was forcing Uighurs to eat pork for no apparent reason other than to trigger western sensitivities, at the peek of the worst swine flu outbreak in decades, causing nation wide pork shortages and historically high pork prices in China.

Yeah, sure.
I think there is a better question to be had here... why waste good pork on people who don’t appreciate it? Unlike the western world, the Chinese appreciate every and I mean EVERY part of a pig, from all the meat cuts to inners, no part should be wasted on forcing someone to eat it...

This BS is equivalent to saying... Japanese people forcing Hindus to eat wagyu beef... why waste the good stuff on people without a taste for it, when there are people who are willing to pay money to get it and this is when China is basically a nation of merchants... makes no sense...
It doesn't matter how ridiculous is these accusations. Sadly, many Muslims probably believe this is true. That is how powerful and effective these propaganda is. All Western countries and media are on the same page in Uighur issue. They keep reporting every ridiculous accusations of China and hoping others overlook what they have done to Muslims.

Just look at the Australia scandal, not many Muslims are talking about it. But forcing Muslims to eat pork got a lot of traction even though it is obvious a fake news.

China's force feeding of pork to uyghurs in action.

The sad thing is, the west propaganda dept has such a head start. And their populace is such lemmings that what ever China says and does, they are no going to believe it. They will believe whatever their daily mail's feed them with.

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Registered Member
LOL. They are now the Australian Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. Goes to shows that they have very little respect for guest who genuinely wants to learn more about Sino culture. Retarded really for sticking it to the Taiwan-based producers and taxpayers.
Less than a smuggled booze bust in my area. (4 full shipping containers full of beer/booze/wine and cigs are found lately). tsk tsk tsk... even if its for show ya'll have to show some sincerity. better than lip service for sure.

Lol. The propaganda is strong in these Hanjians.


Senior Member
Registered Member
The sad thing is, the west propaganda dept has such a head start. And their populace is such lemmings that what ever China says and does, they are no going to believe it. They will believe whatever their daily mail's feed them with.
It's more accurate to say that western propaganda works because its intended audience- western people- are stupid and dumb, and have been conditioned to be stupid and dumb by their edumacashunal system. The only areas in anglo society which do promote critical thinking are the elite schools and even then there is increasing stupidity and anti science nonsense in the 'woke' movement.


Registered Member
It's more accurate to say that western propaganda works because its intended audience- western people- are stupid and dumb, and have been conditioned to be stupid and dumb by their edumacashunal system. The only areas in anglo society which do promote critical thinking are the elite schools and even then there is increasing stupidity and anti science nonsense in the 'woke' movement.

Most Chinese are just as susceptible to propaganda, hence the great firewall. Look at Hongkong and TW, situation is even worse because of white worship.


Senior Member
Registered Member
And that's why the Great Firewall is there. Imagine going online everyday and the media telling you how sh*tty your country is.
I think times are changing now. This would be dangerous if it has happened years before but now, I think the everyday Chinese citizen have enough love for their own country to not to swinged by false news and can see it as bs. But we must never let the firewall down, not for the next 20 to 30 years at least.


Registered Member
I think times are changing now. This would be dangerous if it has happened years before but now, I think the everyday Chinese citizen have enough love for their own country to not to swinged by false news and can see it as bs. But we must never let the firewall down, not for the next 20 to 30 years at least.
Don't underestimate how mentally vulnerable many people are. Look at how many anti-vaxxers there are, despite all the evidence against them