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Funny thing is that one of them still has a job and the other is currently losing weight on a job that pays much less then the one he would’ve got if he wasn’t such a China hater

I know everyone wants to make fun of his salary but let’s be realistic here. Does anyone think he actually works a 9 to 5 job at the think tank. Probably comes into the office once every month for 1 hour for a “meeting” with the CEO in the break room.


Registered Member
I know everyone wants to make fun of his salary but let’s be realistic here. Does anyone think he actually works a 9 to 5 job at the think tank. Probably comes into the office once every month for 1 hour for a “meeting” with the CEO in the break room.
Yup like those CEO that get paid salary of $1 but millions in stock options...

He is getting paid behind the scenes... $80k isnt even enough for his caviar fund or onlyfans allocation


Registered Member
I know everyone wants to make fun of his salary but let’s be realistic here. Does anyone think he actually works a 9 to 5 job at the think tank. Probably comes into the office once every month for 1 hour for a “meeting” with the CEO in the break room.
Still if not for the sanctions on him, his livelihood would be far better off, now he has to settle for breadcrumbs compared to what it could’ve been. Either way, he is slowly getting what’s coming to him


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Assembled in India with China-made parts... LOL

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Apple's relationship with China | Wangjing skyline's relationship with China | Wangjing skyline

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relationship with
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has been described as “untenable,” as the company faces criticism from senators on both sides of the political aisle. But unraveling that relationship will take more than 20 years, according to one former Apple engineer tasked with finding ways to automate production.

There is some good news today, as more than a dozen key Apple suppliers were granted permission to expand their work in
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, but ironically this only served to underline the company’s dependence on China …


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of Apple’s dependence on China, as well as on
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the company faces in addressing this.

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made even clearer the risks of the company having most of its manufacturing eggs in one basket. Recent COVID-19-related disruption at the
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was estimated to have cost the company a
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India is seen as Apple’s main hope when it comes to relocating production outside of China. A report last year suggested that
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, and another one this week indicated that
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But a new report suggests that Apple’s relationship with China could remain as intertwined as ever for at least another couple of decades.

Apple’s relationship with China “untenable”​

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reports that there is bipartisan concern that Apple is effectively forced to do the bidding of the Communist Party, and that this situation simply cannot continue.

Progress in India… but with Chinese companies​

Apple’s attempts to increase production in India got a boost in the form of some 14 suppliers being given government permission to expand their operations, reports
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. But the catch is that these are Chinese companies.

Progress is also being hampered by political tensions between India and China, in the wake of violent conflicts over
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“Will take at least 20 years”​

One of the key barriers to the large-scale relocation of production lines is that the final assembly process is still very labor-intensive. Only yesterday it was revealed that iPhone production lines require
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as equivalent ones for Android phones for Chinese brands.

Apple has been working with Foxconn for many years on
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, with dreams of
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– but one former engineer tasked with this project says that it’s at least 20 years away.
There is nothing untenable, LOL.

Where is the scale, diverse supply chain, time-to-market and just as importantly the market in India? Where is the stability? The answer to all of these is "nowhere". Apple is in China not because it does the bidding of the seeseepee. It is in China because it makes perfect business sense. If the US congress is going to force them to do unreasonable things then it is the US' loss. They will be basically forcing the most profitable ($120 billion a year in net profits) and, arguably, the most iconic American company to make smaller profits.


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Bloomberg: EU Needs Member States to Replenish Bloc’s Budget, Official Says

The European Union will need to ask member states to make fresh contributions to the bloc’s budget to fund a growing list of priorities, including support for its industries and addressing fallout from the war in Ukraine, the EU executive arm’s top economy official said.

“We need in a sense to replenish the EU budget, because many of the reserves were used during the first years,” European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis said on Wednesday during an event hosted by Bloomberg.

The bloc agreed on a seven-year, €1.8 trillion ($2 trillion) budget in 2020, including an unprecedented pandemic recovery fund financed through joint borrowing. But the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and the need to support European companies to counter a $369 billion US climate law has put the EU budget under severe strain.

Member states would need to bolster the EU’s long-term budget for 2021 to 2027 via additional national contributions during its mid-term review, which is supposed to be concluded this summer, an EU official said.

As part of the review, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has proposed a sovereignty fund to support companies in the development of cutting-edge technology on the continent, although it remains unclear how the new instrument would be financed.

In addition, the EU is expected to take a leading role in the reconstruction of war-torn Ukraine. The discussion about cooperation with other donors and ways to finance it is expected to pick up in the second half of this year, people familiar with the matter said. Given the magnitude of the funds involved, one option being considered is additional joint borrowing.

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Registered Member
There is nothing untenable, LOL.

Where is the scale, diverse supply chain, time-to-market and just as importantly the market in India? Where is the stability? The answer to all of these is "nowhere". Apple is in China not because it does the bidding of the seeseepee. It is in China because it makes perfect business sense. If the US congress is going to force them to do unreasonable things then it is the US' loss. They will be basically forcing the most profitable ($120 billion a year in net profits) and, arguably, the most iconic American company to make smaller profits.
I'm also surprised at how manual Apple production is vs Android phones. 10x more workers is a huge difference.


Registered Member
There is nothing untenable, LOL.

Where is the scale, diverse supply chain, time-to-market and just as importantly the market in India? Where is the stability? The answer to all of these is "nowhere". Apple is in China not because it does the bidding of the seeseepee. It is in China because it makes perfect business sense. If the US congress is going to force them to do unreasonable things then it is the US' loss. They will be basically forcing the most profitable ($120 billion a year in net profits) and, arguably, the most iconic American company to make smaller profits.
I posted this analysis 100% for free over a month ago
No one paid me for it

I'm in the wrong line of work!

They might have bipartisan criticism of Apple, but zero solutions. Are they going to give B3W money to India and Vietnam to build trade schools, improve industrial engineering schools, improve road/rail/seaports? Maybe use it within the US itself to do these things?


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Don’t appease China, warns Taiwan’s likely presidential successor​

Appeasing China will not bring peace, Taiwan’s vice-president has said, days after he was elected head of the ruling party in a move that makes him a prime presidential contender at the next election.

William Lai, 63, is seen as a likely successor to President Tsai Ing-wen, who is barred from running again after her second four-year term ends in May 2024.

Lai has been more outspoken on Taiwanese independence than Tsai, and he is openly loathed by Beijing for that reason.

“Appeasement cannot buy peace,” Lai said on Wednesday in his first comments on
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since assuming the Democratic Progressive party leadership.

He urged Taiwanese people to unite in the face of “the expansion of China’s authoritarianism”, saying that “only by uniting all people and strengthening our defence capabilities can we truly protect our security”.

Self-governed Taiwan lives under constant fear of an invasion by China, which claims the island democracy as a part of its territory to be seized one day, by force if necessary.

China has ramped up military, diplomatic and economic pressure on Taiwan since Tsai’s 2016 election as she rejects China’s stance and views the island as a sovereign nation.

Beijing has said any Taiwanese move towards a declaration of a formal independence would prompt a military response.

Lai said on Wednesday there was no need to declare independence because Taiwan was “already a sovereign country”, echoing previous comments by Tsai.
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