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There should be a purged of these police leadership and military by the incoming President otherwise he's pretty much a lame duck, cucked President in name only. These stunt is a challenge to his power and election result that the majority of his people decided. The fact is Bolsonaro wouldn't have hesitated to use the military to squash the protests if it was against him. Most importantly, where was Lulas internal minister that could have informed him about the impending and oncoming protests with planned break in.
I might be mistaken, but I have this vague recollection that Alex Mecouris of Duran fame, suggest that LuLa had neo liberal beliefs which could place him at odds with the BRICS.


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The PLA's large-scale exercises around the island of Taiwan has become routine, and they take place not only when the PLA announces them, but on a daily basis, a Beijing-based military expert who requested anonymity told the Global Times on Sunday.

Apparently, there are daily PLA exercises around Taiwan and the intensity will increase as the US keeps trying to blackmail China to attack Russia.

Tho the majority is probably from the PLAAF rather than PLAN.

In 2022, the PLA sent 1,727 planes into the island of Taiwan's self-proclaimed air defense identification zone, compares with about 960 incursions in 2021 and 380 in 2020, AFP reported, citing releases by the defense authority on the island.

~350% increase since 2020.


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Alexander Mecouris also thinks Trump is the greatest president US ever had since who know when, take his opinion as what you will.
Hmmmm, even being one of the better commentators doesn't mean that I don't sometimes I find his respect for Trump to be quite bizarre and utterly ridiculous at times. I mean I don't like Trump but compared to Biden, at least Trump is somewhat less of a rat due to being much easier to read and mildly entertaining one has to admit and the damage he has done to the USA that isn't reported by the media is something that Alex doesn't report on but it is something that I found to be quite funny and somewhat karmic in a way due to how many people seem to try to ignore this fact and focus on the memes he produces. Which is good for China to be honest since his actions did set the current path for China to being a lot more aware of the dangers of the USA rather then someone like Biden who tried to put a wedge between China and Russia in that sneak as sh!t way he always seems to do while being half brain dead.

In sense, Trump is great, but not for the obvious reasons and certainly not for making the lives of the American people any better, in fact his kicking of the can rather then fixing the real issues have only served to cause his successor a whole lot of issues that is almost impossible to fix in one presidency.
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You know the two aren't mutually exclusive, right? India could chug along at any pace it could achieve and still be the 3rd largest economy in the world, given that German and Japanese economy crashes. And that isn't in the realm of impossible.


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This Jan 8th looks more like US-backed insurrection. The US can show Lula who really calls the shots, and it also plays well for the Democratic party politics back home in persecuting Trump.
China should take a page from the US and send their own contingent of security advisors over to help him out.

In sense, Trump is great, but not for the obvious reasons and certainly not for making the lives of the American people any better, in fact his kicking of the can rather then fixing the real issues have only served to cause his successor a whole lot of issues that is almost impossible to fix in one presidency.
There's a reason this sub calls him Comrade Trump.