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It's just a myth that Chinese can't protest.

Gordan Chang is a cruel cruel man! Just think about all the false hopes he has meted out to the unsuspecting Westerners over all these years!

This picture aligns with my own conclusion after some quick browsing: the protests are fizzling out.

Schrodinger's Chinese zero-COVID:

Schrodinger's Chinese protest:
one of my best fav, Bhakal Maitreya.


Registered Member
"CCP suspected of using mass pornography to confuse Twitter users searching for information about protests across China" by VOA

Now we know why the evil SeeSeePee stole Vicky Xu's sex drive.

Also cheers to our comrade Lieutenant General Ma Yilong!
View attachment 102635
Huh comrade Ma Yi Long



Registered Member
I used to think Musk was deepcover CIA frontman, he still might be... but now Im thinking he gone rogue?! either that or he is the greatest reverse pyscho ops US intel agencies ever pulled since Snowden

If the rumor that Elon is working with Huawei for smartphones is true then I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Elon hanging off a traffic pole with a commie sign hanging around his neck.