Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
You noticed most of these traitors are WOMEN? Just like that lady (escaped and fled to America) who was crying crocodile tears even admonished her fellow protesters that they were undeserving of her non-existen sacrifice. Her crocodile tears are on YouTube which am too lazy to look for.
Thats how you get young males to the protests. The females will then try to challenge those males, one thing will lead to another before you know it the protest escalates. Given that there are always enough young males that are stupid and horny enough to fall for pussy its a good first step if you want a protest to escalate.


Registered Member
Bro, are you retarded or trolling?

Calm down, don't be triggered by every little comment on the interwebz, or you might die early.
Triggered? Meh.

Now I feel kinda thankful that these 外省智障 are starting to expose themselves by hopping up and down, out from hiding amongst the masses of the Chinese populace. Easier for the authorities to just take the sickle and trim them right off in one go when ready.

Even better if they can be entirely 斩草除根.

He's written more posts in this thread about the "protests" than there are "protesters."
Go -
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Registered Member
Why should China crack down on those Shanghai CIA-assets?

Instead, Xi should start showing weakness so the CIA feels emboldened and activates more of its China assets.

After eveyone has been revealed, Xi should just do a "I am weak? Just a joke bro" and then arrest them all lol


New Member
Registered Member
next time she does shit like this I'm bringing a loudspeaker to the venue and singing 没有共产党就没有新中国

also apparently she has been arrested for illegal protest lmao
There is only one place in Singapore you where can officially hold a protest; and even so, you need to apply for a permit with the police. Anything else is an illegal protest and participants will be arrested.


Registered Member
Why should China crack down on those Shanghai CIA-assets?

Instead, Xi should start showing weakness so the CIA feels emboldened and activates more of its China assets.

After eveyone has been revealed, Xi should just do a "I am weak? Just a joke bro" and then arrest them all lol
People protest in western countries now get assaulted by militarised police, arrested and imprisoned and have their bank accounts frozen with little legal oversight. That's with protests that have been 100% organic with no foreign influence, people are just unhappy with COVID policies, racism or the drop in living standards.

And you think China should go easy on these CIA assets?

What's interesting is what the protestors are demanding. They want an end to zero COVID, which lines up exactly what western powers want China to do.


Junior Member
Registered Member
There is only one place in Singapore you can officially hold a protest and even so, you need to apply for a permit with the police. Anything else is an illegal protester and participants will be arrested.

That place is only open to Singaporeans.

By law, Singapore prohibits foreigners coming to Singapore to "engage" in their (the foreigners') domestic politics. This nugget of knowledge was unfortunately used by Hong cucks living in Singapore to get a visiting HKer in trouble with the police: They organized a dinner for HKers, invited the fella to come speak about the 2019 riots, called the police on him while he was speaking, and kept him talking until the police arrived.


Registered Member
People protest in western countries now get assaulted by militarised police, arrested and imprisoned and have their bank accounts frozen with little legal oversight. That's with protests that have been 100% organic with no foreign influence, people are just unhappy with COVID policies, racism or the drop in living standards.

And you think China should go easy on these CIA assets?

What's interesting is what the protestors are demanding. They want an end to zero COVID, which lines up exactly what western powers want China to do.
End zero covid is a legit thing that people can protest about

"Down with Xi, CPC" "freedom, democracy, journalist freedom" bs are CIA operations. Shanghai seems to be filled with them

Those people should be given time to let these hidden snakes come out publically, and then get them all.


Registered Member
What's interesting is what the protestors are demanding. They want an end to zero COVID, which lines up exactly what western powers want China to do.

Does not seem logical, any of this protest stuff, eh?

If there is a lock down, then no one would be protesting because they are locked down.

Since there are protests, then there is no lock down. Once freed from those restrictions, why bother to go protest them? The normal thing to do is resume normal life.

Then the number of protesters seem to be largely unknown. In that, they seem so few in numbers.

A small protest would have the American media waiting to cover it in China? There are a lot of protests in China. Why cover this one?

Then there is the protesters themselves. Usually they want something. This time, seems like the message is not relevant. The only message that there is a protest.

I would guess that if I go out onto a limb, that all of this is some sort of Taiwan operations in China, to draw attention, to say not forget about us sort of thing, after Chiang Kai Sek grandson won an election.

Seems a little on the desperate side.