Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
I think the Singapore - Malaysia HSR project will return in due time. Many Malaysians were actually looking forward to that. We all saw the utter stupidity of Mahathir and Lim Guan Eng for cancelling that project. Mahathir even said: "We don't need it". Bravo, you smart ass. Not only did Malaysia lost a HSR project, it had to pay $75+mil to Singapore in termination fee. To all those idiots in Malaysia who called that move by Mahathir a 'masterstroke', you can all go and eat s**t.

That HSR would have cut the land-journey time between Kuala-Lumpur to Singapore from 3 hours to 1.5hours. Mahathir didn't like that, because his friends in the airline industry is gonna lose alot of that sweet KL-SG route business. He also wanted to poke Singapore in the eye, because he just hates Singapore for no good reason other than his hatred for the Chinese race. The result? Indonesia will be the 1st ASEAN nation with true HSR. Thailand will be second. But Malaysia gets left out and lose $75+mil in the process.

That HSR would have enabled Malaysians from Kuala Lumpur to travel to Singapore in the morning, and then return in the evening for dinner. All without flying. People could conveniently commute between KL and Singapore for work, and travel. But Mahathir, in his infinite wisdom said that Malaysians didn't need it. Anwar is much more pragmatic than Mahathir. He is also much less antagonistic of other countries, so I do suspect that the KL-Singapore HSR project will eventually come back.
Will it be scrapped again after another change of government?

Will it connect to Thailand?

Laos actually beat Indonesia to be the 1st ASEAN country with HSR. Lol.
If there is a bullet train to China, maybe you can try to find Jho Low when you get there.

Is it true Jho Low is hiding in China? Why would China harbor a fugitive like him?


Registered Member
I think the Singapore - Malaysia HSR project will return in due time. Many Malaysians were actually looking forward to that. We all saw the utter stupidity of Mahathir and Lim Guan Eng for cancelling that project. Mahathir even said: "We don't need it". Bravo, you smart ass. Not only did Malaysia lost a HSR project, it had to pay $75+mil to Singapore in termination fee. To all those idiots in Malaysia who called that move by Mahathir a 'masterstroke', you can all go and eat s**t.

That HSR would have cut the land-journey time between Kuala-Lumpur to Singapore from 3 hours to 1.5hours. Mahathir didn't like that, because his friends in the airline industry is gonna lose alot of that sweet KL-SG route business. He also wanted to poke Singapore in the eye, because he just hates Singapore for no good reason other than his hatred for the Chinese race. The result? Indonesia will be the 1st ASEAN nation with true HSR. Thailand will be second. But Malaysia gets left out and lose $75+mil in the process.

That HSR would have enabled Malaysians from Kuala Lumpur to travel to Singapore in the morning, and then return in the evening for dinner. All without flying. People could conveniently commute between KL and Singapore for work, and travel. But Mahathir, in his infinite wisdom said that Malaysians didn't need it. Anwar is much more pragmatic than Mahathir. He is also much less antagonistic of other countries, so I do suspect that the KL-Singapore HSR project will eventually come back.
Hopefully the Malaysia HSR will have future plans to extend northwards from Kuala Lumpur all the way to the Malaysia-Thailand border at Padang Besar. The Thai HSR has already been planned to extend all the way south to the same location at the border by the mid-2030s.


Registered Member
Hopefully the Malaysia HSR will have future plans to extend northwards from Kuala Lumpur all the way to the Malaysia-Thailand border at Padang Besar. The Thai HSR has already been planned to extend all the way south to the same location at the border by the mid-2030s.

Not sure if you guys play the board game Ticket to Ride, but it needs to have a ASEAN and China editions


Ticket to Ride Asia edition is just a mess to play.


Ticket to Ride Japan sounds more fun, but haven't tried yet.

Ticket to Ride India I've played before, the map is an absolute clusterfuck and retarded



Registered Member
Will it be scrapped again after another change of government?
This time. The King of Malaysia decreed that he wants a government that will last the full term. There is also an Anti-Hopping Law that was passed last year to prevent the same party-hopping s**tshow that happened in early 2020 which collapsed the Pakatan Harapan government and allowed the Muhyiddin coup to happen.

I think most Malaysians will want that HSR project to return. And the Anwar-led government contains no more traces of Mahathir. So when the HSR project returns, I think it'll completed this time.

Will it connect to Thailand?
KL-Singapore first. Then KL-Penang will be next phase, and eventually will go into Thailand.

Laos actually beat Indonesia to be the 1st ASEAN country with HSR. Lol.
Yes and no. The Laos HSR is actually topped out at 160km/h, more like a standard express train. Dunno why people called it HSR. Nevertheless, it did cut the journey time between Vientiane to Boten from practically an entire day to 3-4 hours.

Indonesia's HSR tops out at 350km/h, so it meets the criteria of a true HSR, which is 200km/h and above.

Is it true Jho Low is hiding in China? Why would China harbor a fugitive like him?
I don't know. I suspect that Jho Lo is actually hiding in the West, maybe in the UK. The UK have a history of welcoming national thieves like Russian Oligarchs, and even other Malaysian criminal politicians.

If Jho Lo is indeed hiding in China, I don't see it as the will of the Chinese government. He would have hidden there on his own volition. If Malaysia truly wants China to hand him over. Please provide the evidence that he is actually there, and ask the Chinese government to extradite him. The Chinese government will be more than happy to cooperate. But I think this story about Jho Lo hiding in China is BS cooked up by Mahathir. He never seriously wanted to get Jho Lo. So he made up that Jho Lo China story to make excuses and also antagonize China at the same time. So yes, its Mahathir again.


Lieutenant General
The moment he squeaks anything about that kind of shit, he should be immediately booted out. Talk with nation states instead.

I think China is counting on this useful idiot to spout that nonsense so China can cancel any and every recently signed deal with EU countries it wants.

In a way, it’s kind of an amusingly ingenious new good-cop bad-cop routine.

Xi gets to be the good cop and shower visiting European leaders with sweet deals while the EU gets to be the bad cop where their pathetically useless virtue signalling of slapping China in the face while being honoured guests of China gives China the perfect pretext to cancel all those sweet deals straight away.

China grants a gift to an important EU country, EU leader spouts some American talking points against China; China cancels earlier deal and tell the EU country to thank the EU leader for that. No better way to damage the EU than to turn its most powerful and important member states against it.


Registered Member
A result of necessity, I imagine. Israel has spent the entirety of its history under credible threat from its neighbours and thus had to have competent enough diplomatic and military competency to survive. They have had to play a tight balancing act out of everyone since they were founded.
By your logic Poland would be most rational country ever.