Miscellaneous News


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China banned several products from Aus like agricultural, and stuff like lobsters and wine. Those really took a hit. But they are not essential.

Iron ore however from Australia is seen to be difficult to replace. There were other options even before the war in Ukraine. When sino aus tensions were already very high. It seems aus iorn ore is still best option in terms of quality needed, the transport costs etc.
I don’t think things were banned, there were very large anti-dumping tarrifs put on some products. All those categories of goods still get exported to China.

Any reports of declining trade between Aus and China is due to the falling price of Iron Ore mainly.

The problem is the global flow of money from the US to China, then from China to Australia for Iron Ore, then from Australia to the US for arms to be used against China. The solution is to balance trade between Australia and China, which will eliminate the trade surplus used to buy US arms.

How China does this is really smart, it involves so many things, and the end result is that Australia’s cash cow is going away forever.

They are moving production of steel intensive parts near steel mills fed with local iron ore in other countries.

They are replacing steel with carbon fiber, things like train carriage bogeys, this reduces the need for Ore AND increases steel recycling.

They are using chemistry to develop greener and cheaper processes to work with lower quality ores which increases the availability of useful ore deposits globally. That means Australia’s current clients Iron Ore clients become their future competitors.

China is also taking stakes in Australian mines, and has a limit on how much they must own by 2025. So even if the prices increases a lot, half the profit goes back to China.
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The most complete/original video
Xi walking along when Trudeau stops him, then proceeds to school Trudeau in under a minute.
Apparently in the video, Xi said 天真 (naive) after walking away

This new video will go down in history and replace Trudeau's previous fails at G20.

I saw some tweets which also pointed out Canada's dumb blonde FM directly calling out Xi Jinping's name in an interview without even a basic honorific like Mr. in front.

People in Canada know, those who have a functioning brain.

The Trudeau government is just really in over their heads when it comes to the international relations thing.

The arrest of Meng Wanzhou was the pinnacle of that.

Xi admonished Trudeau, but he did not appear to be angry.

That is what it is. Trudeau is just out of his weight class.


Registered Member
The most complete/original video
Xi walking along when Trudeau stops him, then proceeds to school Trudeau in under a minute.
Apparently in the video, Xi said 天真 (naive) after walking away

This new video will go down in history and replace Trudeau's previous fails at G20.

I saw some tweets which also pointed out Canada's dumb blonde FM directly calling out Xi Jinping's name in an interview without even a basic honorific like Mr. in front.
Wow he actually went into washroom I thought people were joking.


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Wow, just wow. Trudeau didn't even let the interpreter finish what Xi had just said, meaning he had no respect at all for what Xi had to say because he wasn't even interested in hearing it.

He practically shut the conversation down on Xi just so he could get his own words in because he knew the camera was pointing at them. You can clearly see Xi knew what was really up and didn't bother to waste any more time humouring him.

What an incredibly rude conduct for a world leader. The man had violated every diplomatic faux pas there is for someone of his level. If Trudeau still wasn't on Xi's shit list, this ought to do it.


Wow, just wow. Trudeau didn't even let the interpreter finish what Xi had just said, meaning he had no respect at all for what Xi had to say because he wasn't even interested in hearing it.

He practically shut the conversation down on Xi just so he could get his own words in because he knew the camera was pointing at them. You can clearly see Xi knew what was really up and didn't bother to waste any more time humouring him.

What an incredibly rude conduct for a world leader. The man had violated every diplomatic faux pas there is for someone of his level. If Trudeau still wasn't on Xi's shit list, this ought to do it.
He didn't know what was being said to him but he knew it wasn't good. If I was the translator, I would have talked over him louder to make it a point that what Xi says is important and what he says is not. Xi shouldn't have shook his hand.


Senior Member
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Wow, just wow. Trudeau didn't even let the interpreter finish what Xi had just said, meaning he had no respect at all for what Xi had to say because he wasn't even interested in hearing it.

He practically shut the conversation down on Xi just so he could get his own words in because he knew the camera was pointing at them. You can clearly see Xi knew what was really up and didn't bother to waste any more time humouring him.

What an incredibly rude conduct for a world leader. The man had violated every diplomatic faux pas there is for someone of his level. If Trudeau still wasn't on Xi's shit list, this ought to do it.
yeah, but even after all that, and it’s quite a lot to endure, he still said “lets first make the conditions”, and shook his hand. That’s great gallantry really, classy guy. And great advice to Trudeau.


Registered Member
He didn't know what was being said to him but he knew it wasn't good. If I was the translator, I would have talked over him louder to make it a point that what Xi says is important and what he says is not. Xi shouldn't have shook his hand.
He almost certainly did understand Trudeau's English. It was not that accented, and President Xi are one of those politicians that are relatively close to America, having spent time there.

Actually he wouldn't be able to so quickly follow the conversation and use that opportunity humiliate Trudeau if he didn't understand most of the convo without a translator. You can see that Xi doesn't let the translator even start saying what Trudeau was saying before replying.