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Lieutenant General

Here's the thing about liberals like John Oliver and Stephen Colbert... they're elitist liberals where they still think they're smarter because they're white. Western liberals care for only the people their culture oppressed if they broke them. Anyone who fought against Western oppression and didn't break, they resent them like how they resent China today. That's where they only show their fake concern over human rights on countries that resisted Western colonialism. The Opium Wars was one of biggest crimes in history. It was at the time, the biggest business in the world and it was a one sided trade where the British and the West only made the money by addicting the other side. Never heard a liberal mention it. It's easy for them to care about a people they already broke and destroyed but they're afraid of those they didn't get a chance to brainwash generations and condition on their values like admiring the British Royals.


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You are the man, your child will carry your family name and continue that lineage as 100% Chinese. Your wife marries to a Chinese makes her a family member of Chinese, not Korean. This is partially joking but it is true in China not long ago. I still remember that my married aunts (father side) were not allowed to enter the family temple (祠堂) but my mother would be standing next to my father, because the wife is one of the family since marriage, the daughters are not any more.

Many Turks fought on the side of Tang dynasty against other Turks and Korea, Gao Xianzhi was a Korean but one of the greatest Chinese generals. Many troops of Qing were mongols fighting the rebellious Dzungar mongols. These people had received high regards in Chinese history. Not to forget that Tang's imperial family was mix of Han and Xianbei (proto mongols).

The key is who you make your Child to be. No need to force him/her to deny the other half, but cultivate the choice of being a Chinese of different background. There is no conflict of being a 100% Chinese while having foreign blood. Chinese isn't primarily defined by blood anyway. Think about it, what would a Chinese Korean (100% by blood) think, do and live if he/she is in your position? But of course, if your child grows up outside of China, you have very high risk of loosing the "battle", it is always the external environment shapes a person.

Finally, it is just a mind exercise of myself, take it as food for thought, but don't take it too seriously. :)

朝鮮族 - Koreans from ROK hate them
Think they are Chinese pretending to be Korean.


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朝鮮族 - Koreans from ROK hate them
Think they are Chinese pretending to be Korean.
That's okay, from what I've seen 朝鲜族 folks generally look down upon South Koreans for being US collaborators much like the Japanese collaborators before them. No such feelings towards DPRK people.

They call them "南伪". Yankee grew up in 丹东 he tells people about it all the time.
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