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Yellen was at the Biden-Xi meeting, sounds like someone needs China to buy US debts so yields aren't out of control.
The others who attended on the US side :
(Antony Blinken)(Janet Yellen)(Jake Sullivan)(Nicholas Burns)( Kurt Campbell)(Daniel Kritenbrink)(Laura Rosenberger)(Rush Doshi)(Jonathan Czin)

Interesting I didn't see Tiger Yang on the Chinese side, probably to avoid PTSD for Blinken and Sullivan.

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Blinken likely going to China early next year, does he want more spanking or possibly preparing for a Biden visit to China,


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wang yi, yang jiechi, ding xuexiang, he lifeng, xie feng and hua chunying were in attendance
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This is probably one of last rounds for Yang and Ding, maybe after visit to Saudi in December. Yang is retiring. Ding is transitioning. After next March, Wang would replace Yang's position. Ding is going to be at least executive vice premier. He and Xie will be principle advisers for economic affairs. Hua is an interesting presence. If Qing Gang becomes the FA minister as widely expected, then Hua will probably be his lieutenant. Wang/Qing/Hua would be a good FA lineup. I think Xi will miss Ding. The story of rise of Ding is very Chinese and interesting, who is a meticulous administrator. Xi's team for the next five years is pretty solid.


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Chinese Circulars via
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Machine Flip English: In the afternoon of Nov. 14, local time, President Xi Jinping met with U.S. President Joe Biden in Bali, Indonesia. The two heads of state had a frank and in-depth exchange of views on strategic issues in China-US relations as well as major global and regional issues.

Xi pointed out that the current situation facing U.S.-China relations is not in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, nor does it meet the expectations of the international community. China and the United States need to explore the right way for the two countries to get along in the new era in a responsible attitude toward history, the world and the people, find the right direction for the development of relations between the two countries, and promote the return of China-US relations to a healthy and stable development track for the benefit of both countries and the world.

Xi introduced the main circumstances and important outcomes of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, noting that the Chinese Party and government are open and transparent in their internal and external policies, bright and clear in their strategic intentions, and maintain a high degree of continuity and stability. We are comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, continuing to take the realization of people's aspirations for a better life as the starting point, unswervingly carrying out reform and opening up, and promoting the building of an open world economy. China will continue to firmly pursue an independent and peaceful foreign policy, always decide its position and attitude based on the merits of the matter itself, advocate dialogue and consultation and peaceful settlement of disputes, deepen and expand global partnerships, uphold the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on international law, and promote the building of a community of human destiny. China will adhere to peaceful development, open development and win-win development, be a participant and promoter of global development, and work with other countries to achieve common development.

Xi pointed out that the world is at a major historical turning point, and countries need to face unprecedented challenges as well as seize unprecedented opportunities. We should view and deal with Sino-US relations from this height. China-US relations should not be a zero-sum game in which you lose and I win, you rise and I fall, and the success of China and the United States is an opportunity for each other rather than a challenge. The broad earth can accommodate the development and common prosperity of China and the United States. Both sides should take a correct view of each other's internal and external policies and strategic intentions, and establish a tone of dialogue rather than confrontation and win-win rather than zero-sum engagement. I attach great importance to Mr. President's statement on the "four no's and one no's". China has never sought to change the existing international order, does not interfere in the internal affairs of the United States, and has no intention to challenge or replace the United States. Both sides should adhere to mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and work together to ensure that the U.S.-China relationship proceeds on the right course and does not yaw or lose speed, let alone collide. Compliance with the basic norms of international relations and the three Sino-U.S. joint communiqués is the key to managing contradictions and differences and preventing confrontation and conflict between the two sides, and is the most important protection and safety net for Sino-U.S. relations.

Xi systematically elaborated on the origins of the Taiwan issue and China's principled position. Xi stressed that the Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests, the foundation of the political basis of U.S.-China relations, and the first insurmountable red line in U.S.-China relations. The resolution of the Taiwan issue is a matter for the Chinese themselves and is an internal affair of China. It is the common wish of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to safeguard the unity and territorial integrity of the motherland. Anyone who wants to split Taiwan from China goes against China's national justice, and the Chinese people will never agree to it! We hope to see and remain committed to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, but "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. We hope that the U.S. side will be consistent with its words and actions and adhere to the one-China policy and the three U.S.-China joint communiqués. Mr. President has repeatedly stated that he does not support "Taiwan independence" and has no intention of using Taiwan as a tool to seek competitive advantage over China or to contain China. I hope the U.S. side will put Mr. President's commitment into practice.


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Xi pointed out that freedom, democracy and human rights are the common pursuit of mankind and the consistent pursuit of the Chinese Communist Party. The United States has an American-style democracy and China has a Chinese-style democracy, both in line with their respective national conditions. We are equally proud of the fact that China's full process of people's democracy is based on China's national conditions and history and culture and reflects the will of the people. No country's democratic system can be perfect and needs to be developed and improved. The specific differences that exist between the two sides can be discussed, provided that there is an equal exchange. The so-called "democracy against authoritarianism" is not a feature of today's world, and it is not in line with the trend of the times.

Xi pointed out that the United States is engaged in capitalism, China is engaged in socialism, the two sides are walking a different path. This difference is not just today, and will continue to exist in the future. The leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese socialist system, which are supported and embraced by 1.4 billion people, are the fundamental guarantee of China's development and stability. It is important for China and the United States to get along with each other by recognizing this difference and respecting it, rather than imposing uniformity and trying to change or even subvert the other's system. The U.S. side should translate its commitments into concrete actions, rather than saying one thing and doing another.

Xi stressed that China and the United States are two large countries with different histories, cultures, social systems and development paths, and there were and are differences and disagreements, and there will be in the future, but this should not be an obstacle to the development of China-US relations. There is competition in the world at all times, but the competition should be to learn from each other, to catch up with each other, and to make progress together, not to lose and win, to die and to live. China has a glorious tradition of self-improvement, and all suppression and containment will only inspire the will and enthusiasm of the Chinese people. Trade wars, science and technology wars, artificially "building walls and barriers" and forcing "decoupling and breaking chains" are totally contrary to the principles of market economy, undermine the rules of international trade, and will only harm others to the detriment of oneself. We oppose the politicization and weaponization of economic and trade exchanges in science and technology. Under the current situation, the common interests of China and the United States is not less, but more. China and the United States do not conflict, non-confrontation, peaceful coexistence, which is the most basic common interests of the two countries. The deep economic integration of China and the United States, facing new development tasks, the need to benefit from each other's development, which is also a common interest. The global economic recovery after the epidemic, addressing climate change, and resolving regional hotspot issues are also inseparable from China-US coordination and cooperation, which are still common interests. Both sides should respect each other, mutually benefit from each other, and look at the big picture to provide a good atmosphere and stable relationship for mutual cooperation.

Biden said that I have known President Xi Jinping for many years and have maintained regular communication, but in no way can we replace a face-to-face meeting. I congratulate you on your re-election as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee. As two great nations, the United States and China have a responsibility to maintain a constructive relationship. The U.S. is committed to keeping the channels of communication open between the two heads of state and at all levels of government, engaging in frank dialogue on issues where they disagree, and playing a key role in strengthening the cooperation necessary to address important global challenges such as climate change and food security. This is of critical importance to the United States and China and to our two peoples, and it is important to the entire world. I would like to reiterate that a stable and developing China is in the interest of the United States and the world. The United States respects China's institutions, does not seek to change them, does not seek a "new Cold War," does not seek to oppose China by strengthening alliances, does not support "Taiwan independence," and does not support "two Chinas. "The U.S. has no intention of seeking conflict with China. The U.S. also has no intention of seeking to "decouple" from China, no intention of obstructing China's economic development, and no intention of besieging China.

Biden said that how the U.S.-China relationship develops is critical to the future direction of the world. The U.S. and China have a shared responsibility to show the world that the U.S. and China can manage their differences and avoid and prevent misunderstandings and miscalculations or intense competition from turning into confrontation or even conflict. The U.S. side agrees that principles should be established to guide U.S.-China relations, and that talks can be continued by teams on both sides, building on the consensus that already exists, with the goal of reaching agreement as soon as possible. The U.S. government pursues a one-China policy, does not seek to use the Taiwan issue as a tool to contain China, and wants to see peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

The two heads of state agreed that the diplomatic teams of both sides will maintain strategic communication and conduct regular consultations. Agreed that the finance teams of both countries will conduct dialogue and coordination on macroeconomic policy, economic and trade issues. They agreed to work together to promote the success of the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The two sides agreed to cooperate in the dialogue on public health, agriculture and food security between the two countries. Agreed to make good use of the U.S.-China Joint Working Group to promote the resolution of more specific issues. They agreed on the importance of China-U.S. humanities exchanges and encouraged the expansion of personnel exchanges between the two countries in various fields.

The two heads of state also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis and other issues. Xi noted that China is highly concerned about the current situation in Ukraine. After the outbreak of the crisis, I put forward the "four shoulds", and not long ago I also put forward the "four common". In the face of such a global and compound crisis as the Ukraine crisis, there are several points that deserve serious consideration: first, there is no winner in a conflict war; second, there is no simple solution to a complex problem; and third, confrontation between major powers must be avoided. China has always been on the side of peace and will continue to urge peace and promote talks, supporting and expecting the resumption of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, while hoping that the United States, NATO and the European Union will launch a comprehensive dialogue with Russia.

Both heads of state agreed that the meeting was in-depth, frank and constructive, and tasked the two working teams to follow up and implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state in a timely manner, and take practical actions to promote the return to a stable development track in U.S.-China relations. The two heads of state agreed to continue to maintain regular contacts.