Miscellaneous News


Senior Member
Registered Member
They are all trying to escape to Dubai. 99.99% that “hack” was actually the executives draining the money.

Caroline probably trying to get one last romantic getaway with Bankman lol.

Caroline Ellison is reportedly in Hong Kong

Ironic that the US suspended the extradition treaty with HK during the riots. Blue they can't get her back while she is there.


Registered Member
How come Hong Kong still has an extradition with the US
It means nothing, China and USSR shot each other between 1967 and 1969 when the two were officially allies <<Friendship and Mutual Assistance treaty>>

Since Beijing controls Hong Kong's affairs with any other country, whether and when will somebody be extradited to US is decided by Beijing. Remember how Snowden managed to pass through Hong Kong with US protestation?


Lieutenant General
Sorry but the Biden and Xi meeting is about pomp and ceremony that Chinese value even if people believe nothing will come out of it. I'll bring my own gripe that people here long enough know I've mentioned where Beijing essentially begged to be a part of the International Space Station when they can completely make one on their own and look now. Why do the Chinese want to embarrass themselves like that? It's because they value looking like they're part of something major in the world as an example of how they're up there with the elite powers. China and other Asians care about stuff like that which is why also the petty Asian nationalists like to claim the US likes them better than the other. What does it get you? Nothing unless everyone values such nonsense. Which is why it makes it stupid.

The US does it too but it's only to make Americans thinks they're that important over everyone else. When this meeting between Biden and XI at the G20 was first announce, I heard it on the news framed as Biden accepted a meeting with Xi. It was the US that was perturbed that China as dragging its feet on a meeting and they framed it that China was waiting for the US to accept...?


Senior Member
Germany and Japan foreign diplomacy are seriously dumb as bricks. It's quite clear Asia especially south East Asia, but also West Asia clearly do not wish to take sides and get involved in US proxy war with Russia. They want to trade, do business, avoid instability. Trying to force them to join the fight against Russia is just gonna piss them off more. Not least Vietnam lol.