Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Rushi Sunak, as far as I can tell, desires mostly the power and prestige of the PM position, not really the responsibility. I don't think the concept of shame and accountability is present in his DNA, and we all know why.

For all you know, Rishi Sunak might commit seppuku at the end of his reign...


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Tragic news, even though it happened in India. But if this had happened in China, many Indians would be trolling the Chinese.

How did the Indians repair an old colonial-era bridge and made it weaker? How far really has India progressed in developing into a 1st world Superpowa? They desire to overtake China soon, but they still can't get their bridges right.

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As usual, more political mud-slinging in India after a disaster.

Oh lol I got banned from PDF after joking that a bridge built in India would collapse after a few days. The Indian lurkers replied by saying chinkis are sub humans. Lol.

I guess karma truly exists.


The most disgusting thing is seeing Indian nationalists on Twitter try to defend this by blaming the people on the bridge. Talk about throwing out your own people just because you're offended about the optics. Idk, but if lightly shaking a bridge is enough to collapse it, maybe you should think about improving the quality?
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Well I'm surprised they didn't blame Xiaomi or Oppo or OnePlus's 5G radioactive signals causing the bridge to collapse from radioactive decay or something

Indian bridge collapses.
India bans all Chinese smartphones in response.


Registered Member
Oh lol I got banned from PDF after joking that a bridge built in India would collapse after a few days. The Indian lurkers replied by saying chinkis are sub humans. Lol.

I guess karma truly exists.


Well I'm surprised they didn't blame Xiaomi or Oppo or OnePlus's 5G radioactive signals causing the bridge to collapse from radioactive decay or something
PDF is unusable now, pro Indian and NAFO bots have taken over.


Lieutenant General
UK, as a case study of evolution of modern capitalist societies, is emblematic to the cyclical nature of nation states. When UK started first industrial revolution, it practiced raw capitalism. Fast forward to today, UK becomes a society of post-capitalism. I guess, god knows, there are a few critical factors that underpin this evolution. I just want to point to one factor that is missing in China's dynastic history: UK's parliamentary democracy, which so far fails to save UK from its downward spiral. I guess the model of representative democracy is getting into a crisis mode as more formerly advanced democratic nations are struggling nowadays. In this backdrop, it is only logical that UK is going to be America's bitch for the foreseeable future, because it has effectively shut all other doors for its survival.

The west entered terminal decline as soon as it became possible and socially acceptable for capitalists to fundamentally and blatantly alter the laws of countries to create an uneven playing field in favour of themselves, to the detriment of everyone else.

The whole field of economics rests on some pretty shakily unrealistic assumptions to start with, but to allow individuals and groups to change the rules of the game in their favour fundamentally alters the way economies allocate resources, from innovation of technology to extract maximum profits from natural resources to how to game the system to gain maximum advantage. Thus the system moves from growth to rent extraction. Rather than have the best and brightest in society work towards growing the pie for all, they instead compete with each other for the bigger slice.

Nothing is as emblematic of this as Wall Street, where the best and brightest in America are drawn by unmatched salaries to work in fields that adds zero to an economy’s technological advancement.

America offset much of the negatives from this practice by sucking the rest of the world of its scientists and engineers, but even that is only a band-aid and does not reverse the overall trend. First generation immigrants might come in as scientists, doctors and engineers, but second and third generation aspire to careers in Finance, legal and media fields.

The UK is essentially a fast forwarded version of America because while it apes American bad practices, it does not have the soft power pull to attract immigrants on the same scale and of the same quality as America to fill the critical roles locals cannot compete in, thus its decline is faster and more pronounced.

The only way America can stay top of the world with these terminal internal flaws it cannot fix is to instead destroy the competition, so it can gorge on the natural resources and human talent from its defeated foe to stave off its own decline, a vampire sucking its victim dry, like it did with the USSR.

This is the true reason American elites still obsess about destroying Russia and China. They want Russia’s natural resources and China’s human capital to keep their broken system running until the next victim grows fat enough to harvest to keep sustaining them.


Registered Member
Oh lol I got banned from PDF after joking that a bridge built in India would collapse after a few days. The Indian lurkers replied by saying chinkis are sub humans. Lol.

I guess karma truly exists.


Well I'm surprised they didn't blame Xiaomi or Oppo or OnePlus's 5G radioactive signals causing the bridge to collapse from radioactive decay or something

Indian bridge collapses.
India bans all Chinese smartphones in response.

Which thread on PDF was this?


Senior Member
Registered Member
The one full of horrible insults

It was one where they were praising India for building a beautiful new highway or something, something Modi was a visionary architect or something.
Modi is not only a visionary architect but also visionary economist (remember the
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), diplomat (tries to play both sides but as a result neither fully trusts India), and industrialist (after his "Make in India" programs
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Junior Member
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I think people needs to have some realistic perspective on the world, I do not believe China or any Asian countries can ever compete with the Anglo colonies when it comes to standard of living. China is an old country where the land is near or at its carrying capacity for centuries if not millenniums.

The circumstances of Anglo colonies the likes of United States and Australia are extremely unique and irreplicable, they are recently formed country where the existing population had being completely wiped out and an entire continent worth of land and natural resources are appropriated by an extremely small number of European migrants. The Anglos colonies are infact the direct inspiration for genocidal policies of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan and the former colonies are successful beyond their wildest dream.

This is the reason why the Anglo colonies could coast through any issues even if managed by complete morons, it has bugger all to do with liberalism or the other inane nonsense they spout and everything have to do with the genocidal efforts of their founding fathers that they now project onto every one of their competitors.
Well, how does Argentina or Brazil look to you, for starters? Both on the American continent, rich in resources. Prices for everyday essentials ie. meats, grains are cheap. But does people crave the "Argentine dream," "Brazilian dream?" Do people see those countries as role models, or do they see Europeans or even the Chinese?