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Hu Jintao got removed during congress meeting recently, anybody knows why?

We will probably never know and expect no official explaination either. One can speculate that probably there is a last minute change in the PSC lineup that might Hu Jintao disagree. Or a previously negotiated lineup was changed at the last minute. Plain internal politics the top leadership want to hide the ruthless nature of power struggle.


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Power struggle with a senile 79 years old?
That's Netflix and HBO stuff.

Once a person reached that level of mental/brain degeneration, it's a totally different person than what that person used to be.
I want to see a Power struggle between Feinstein vs Inhofe.


Registered Member
It seems he was feeling unwell, looks like people cared for him, better than getting ignore by your own people. If he was a troublemaker be sure he wont be sitting along side Xi.

Poor guy seems a bit confused.

When he came in he also had someone escort him... IIRC Hu is as old as Biden. Probably was just about to say or do something embarrasing and the squad took him behind doors so he can rest up.


If I'm not mistaken, the bid was won for Chinese construction companies.
Let me guess: the 2nd phase will be growing a forest on one side?

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BoJo v Sunak incoming.
Or worse: winter is coming, yet Britons will have BoJo and Truss rotate as prime minister alternately, with each term shorter than the life span of the head of a lettuce.

A lot of the younger folks are Western educated. They’ll put a lot of the self righteous bullying stuff they learned in school into practice.
Hard to say: plenty of Chinese actually become more patriotic after they climbed over the Great Fire Wall or received education in the West.

Poor guy seems a bit confused.

When he came in he also had someone escort him... IIRC Hu is as old as Biden. Probably was just about to say or do something embarrasing and the squad took him behind doors so he can rest up.
Hu had not been well. He insisted to attend the closing ceremony to show respect to Xi and other CPC members. Hope he will recover soon.

What an American politician can do nowadays? Spewing anti-China drivel - as though they can win the competition against China this way. In reality, to win such a competition, you have to do the hard way: building up the infrastructures. Talk won't help you at the end.
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