Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
There are highly welcomed to pay a visit to the South and East China Seas again with their carriers, i.e. Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales...

Oops, I forgot that Prince of Wales wouldn't be leaving the drydock for quite a while. My bad.

Only one year?

Why not make it one decade?

On the sidelines, (also) the UK who has been sanctioning and (largely) barring Argentina's efforts of procuring Western weapons and warplanes since 1982 be like:
View attachment 99217
Prince of Wales = western Kuznetsov but brand new.


Registered Member
This article has some amazingly good stuff.

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Mr. Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia in July was meant to repair relations after the president entered office with a vow to treat the kingdom as a pariah over human rights, particularly the 2018 killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents.

Images of the president’s fist bump with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman became a polarizing symbol of the trip.
But according to people inside the Saudi government, Mr. Biden’s July visit did little to change Prince Mohammed’s determination to chart a foreign policy independent of U.S. influence, in a break from almost 80 years of American-Saudi partnership.
If anything, said the people inside the Saudi government, the visit angered Prince Mohammed, who was upset that Mr. Biden went public with his private comments to the Saudi royal over Mr. Khashoggi’s death, which prompted Saudi officials to publicly contradict Mr. Biden’s characterization of their interaction.
U.S. officials said they saw no indications in their
talks with Saudi leaders in recent months that Mr. Biden’s comments about Mr. Khashoggi had been damaging to ties.

Prince Mohammed has told advisers that he isn’t willing to sacrifice much for the Biden administration, said the people inside the Saudi government, citing its critical view of the Saudi war in Yemen, bid to close a nuclear deal with Iran that Riyadh opposes and Mr. Biden’s own comments on the prince.
In August, the Saudis had planned to push OPEC+ to raise oil production by 500,000 barrels a day in an effort to please Mr. Biden, but Prince Mohammed ordered the increase lowered to a token 100,000 barrels a day after the Biden visit, the people inside the Saudi government said.
The U.S. State Department’s energy-security envoy, Amos Hochstein, sent the Saudi energy minister, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, an email that suggested he had broken his word promising a larger increase, people familiar with the matter said.
The email angered Prince Abdulaziz and strengthened his resolve to forge an oil policy independent of the U.S., the people said.
Then, before the Oct. 5 OPEC+ meeting, Prince Abdulaziz called Persian Gulf oil chiefs and urged them to back a bigger cut, OPEC+ delegates said.
He cited a Western plan for an oil-price cap as a direct attack on crude producers, according to OPEC+ delegates. “It’s us against them,” he told at least two Gulf oil ministers in phone calls, according to the delegates.
I told you guys, putting a price cap was a really bad idea and that MBS would skin them alive for trying to touch his cash cow