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Netherlands faces winter of smog – media​

Smog and particulate pollution will rise in the Netherlands this winter, public health authorities have warned. The rise is linked to more households choosing to burn firewood as gas prices skyrocket.

Sales of wood and pellet stoves have increased by 30% since last summer, De Volkskrant reported on Sunday. Demand is now so high, the newspaper reported, that manufacturers are struggling to deliver enough of these stoves. Firewood suppliers, meanwhile, are already running out of stock, and sourcing more logs is a difficult proposition, as the Dutch forestry agency refuses to supply trees to the firewood industry.

With gas and electricity bills at record highs, the shift among some consumers to wood burning will have environmental consequences, the National Institute for Public Health (RIVM) warned.

“The sale of wood is linked to consumption and it is indeed expected that this will not have a positive impact on air pollution,” a spokesperson told De Volkskrant.

Gas Prices have moved so high that consumers want to burn firewood instead lol. So what is the solution to high gas prices? Stop selling trees to the firewood industry. Who needs affordable heating? Lol.

as the Dutch forestry agency refuses to supply trees to the firewood industry.


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Gas Prices have moved so high that consumers want to burn firewood instead lol. So what is the solution to high gas prices? Stop selling trees to the firewood industry. Who needs affordable heating? Lol.
Folks were laughing at me just a few years ago when I said Peak Oil, Global Energy crisis and diminishing EROEI meant we are going back to the Stone Age...

There was even someone on here often touting "when China GDP is 4x that of America's" and my position was thats only possible with 4 more planet earth worth of resources ..

Folks were saying solar and renewables were going to save the day.... Instead we have Elon Musk telling his customers to stop charging their cars because its too much strain on the electric grid, and the proponents of green revolution, those snobby countries bashing China for still burning coal are themselves now burning wood...

We be phucked folks


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There was even someone on here often touting "when China GDP is 4x that of America's" and my position was thats only possible with 4 more planet earth worth of resources ..

Well there is another possibility consistent with reality:

China stays where it is or decreases a little and someone else decreases energy consumption to 1/5, consistent with their population share of the world.


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Focusing on images of shared humanity can save lives. In January 2020, when most were only dimly aware of the possibility of a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, San Francisco Mayor London Breed saw harrowing footage of COVID-19 ravaging hospitals in Wuhan, China, and thought, “This is serious.” Breed said these images spurred her to lead the country in declaring a state of emergency in her city and imposing social distancing measures ahead of other major metropolitan leaders. Public health officials have credited this early action with significantly reducing deaths from COVID-19 in the crucial first months of the pandemic.
No kidding. And yet...

Photograph of some Chinese nobody cares about going about their lives in a country 7,000 miles away


"The Next Red Menace - Rise of the Dragon - How Xi's China Went From A Timid Panda To A Vicious Wolf"

MSM: "Hmm, what to do..."